Dutch Breweries (Part 1) |
A - H (Alfa - Den Horst) |
Introduction | |
page (along with Part Two, of course) lists the
breweries currently operating in the Netherlands and the beers that they
brew. However, please remember that the dynamic nature of the brewing industry
and my own fallibility mean that a few ommissions cannot are inevitable. |
Index Dutch brewing industry Dutch beer styles Old Dutch beer styles Dutch beer statistics Dutch brewery map Dutch Breweries |
I aim to sample every beer brewed in Holland on a regular basis (be it for 12 months of the year or just in October). It's often more of a chore than you would imagine (like when Bavaria have a new realease, or Maibock season comes around). The limited availability of some Dutch beers and the short life of others will inevitably prevent me from ever completing the set. (what a disaster that would be - I wouldn't have anything left to do). If it's bockbier (or bokbier) you're interested in, Bokbier Tasting 2003: has the results of my blind tastings of the 2003 vintages, Bokbier Tasting 2004: the 2004 vintages. For my fellow obsessives, I've included an example of my tasting form to the right. |
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The Dutch
Brewing Industry: Everything you'll ever need to know about brewing in The Netherlands:
What is the pupose
of this page?
Why have I created it?
Lets be honest, if there was a Dutch publication, published annually, along the lines of CAMRA's Good Beer Guide, I wouldn't have bothered. |
How has this page
been compiled?
What do my scores mean? | |
< 20 | cut out the middleman and pour straight down the sink |
21 - 30 | pretty nasty, gulp down quickly or hold your nose |
31 - 40 | chill heavilly and pray |
41 - 50 | can be drunk unchilled without evoking nausea |
51 - 60 | safe to drink |
61 - 70 | you might actually enjoy this |
71 - 80 | can survive a serious examination |
81 - 90 | don't swallow too quickly |
91 - 100 | treat like 50 year-old Islay |
Points to bear in mind: | |
My tasting notes cannot avoid being, to some degree, subjective. | It isn't always possible to sample beers "blind". |
Variation between batches can be considerable at smaller breweries me. No single tasting can ever be definitive. | I have attempted to describe as objectively as possible the main flavour components of each beer. I can't imagine that my observations will please everyone, but I have tried to be as honest as I can. |
Seasonal beers, bocks in particular, which can vary enormously from year to year. | When I find the time for soaking, drying and scanning I will add considerably more Dutch beer label images. |
Dutch Breweries (Part One) |
A - H (Alfa - Den Horst) |
Brouwerij Thull 15-19, 6365 AC Schinnen, Tel: 046-4432888, Fax: 046-4432835 Homepage:: http://www.alfa-bier.nl Founded: 1870 Annual production: 175,000 hl
Owned by the Meens family. The beers are all brewed with water from a spring. That's why the bottles are numbered - they're only allowed to use a certain quantity of the spring water each year. One of the few remaining long-established independent lager breweries. |
Brouwerij (See Heineken)
Part of Heineken. The Amstel brewery was closed in 1982 and demolished in 1985. Not a trace of it remains. Where is Amstel brewed - in Zoeterwoude and Den Bosch. Amstel remains as a brand and seems to get the slightly better beers of the Heineken range. Amstel Herftsbock is the best bottom-fermented beer produced in Holland. You really should try it if you get the chance. |
Brouwerij Burg. v.d. Heuvelstraat 35, 5737 BN Lieshout Tel: 0499-428111 Fax: 0499-423451 Homepage: http://www.bavaria.nl Founded: 1719 Annual production: 4,600,000 hl Beers:
Bavaria is the largest independent brewery in Holland and concentrates unashamedly on the bottom end of the market. The low quality raw materials they use are easy to spot in the taste of the beers. Tasting their beers is enough to make you appreciate Heineken. They bought up and quickly closed the tiny Kroon brewery a few years back. More worryingly, they own Holland's only Trappist brewery, Koningshoeven. The Kroon brands they decided to keep are now brewed there. In addition to their own crappy brands, they also contract brew low-quality beers sold under supermarket names. I've never had a beer from this brewery that wasn't total crap. Take my advice; don't waste your time trying their beers.
Bekeerde Suster Kloveniersburgwal 6-8, 1012 CT Amsterdam. Tel: 020-6242778 Fax: 020-6393184 Email: Homepage: http://www.beiaardgroep.nl/brouwerij/ Founded: 2004 (1992) Annual production: 1000 hl
Brewpub. The original brewery, Maximilian, went bankrupt in 2002. Now owned by the Beiaard beer pub chain, brewing restarted in late 2004. They have taken over the chain's house beers, previously contract brewed. At least the Bock. I'm not sure about the Witte. |
Beyerd Brouwerij Boschstraat 26, 4811 GH Breda. Email: info@beyerd.nl Homepage: http://www.beyerd.nl/ Founded: 2004 Annual production: hl
Brewpub in beer café De Beyerd. They will continue Breda's brewing tradition when Interbrew close the Oranjeboom brewery in the town. |
Bierbrouwerij De Boei Wezenland 1b, 1791 AZ Den Burg (Texel). Tel: 0222-314180 Founded: 2002 Annual production: hl
Microbrewery. The second brewery on the island of Texel. |
Brouwerij Brouwerijstraat 2-10, 6321 AG Wijlre, Tel: 043-4508282, Fax: 043-4501354 Email: info@brand.nl Homepage: http://www.brand.nl Founded: 1795 Annual production: 500,000 hl
Bought by Heineken in 1989, but still run pretty much independently. All the beers still come its own brewery in the South of Holland and it retains its own house style. Heineken have shown some degree of commitment to keeping the plant open. After a serious fire in the late 1990's, considerable sums of money were invested to rebuild the brewery. But then again, you can never be sure with these multinationals, as the people at Ridder recently discovered. The gradual paring down of Brand's bottled range is a cause for concern. After all, this is how it started with De Ridder. Next thing you know, the brewery is gone. What is it with multinational companies - why can't they help ruining any decent brewery they get their hands on? Surely they bought Brand for its good selection of bottom-fermenting beers? Now Heineken have turned it into another pils factory. The quality of the individual beers varies greatly: the standard pils is worse than Heineken, Urtyp Pilsener is one of few decent Dutch beers in the pils style. When ordering a pils in one of their pubs, make absolutely sure which of the two you are getting. Heineken uses Brand as its up-market brand (sorry about the awful pun) and is commonly found in its pubs which are striving for a classier image. In Amsterdam a reasonable number of cafés which have some sort of tie to Heineken take the Brand beers (Café Belgique is a good example). |
Het Brouwcafé Dr. Lelykade 28, 2583 CM Scheveningen Tel: 070-3540970 Fax: 070-3548734 Email: hetbrouwcafe@proximedia.nl Homepage: http://www.hetbrouwcafe.nl Founded: 1996 Annual production: 400 hl
Brewpub on the small harbourfront in Scheveningen. I found the beers technically good, though a little dull, when they first opened. The beers do seem to have acquired more character since. |
aan den Rijn Koraalzwam 57, 2403 SR Alphen aan den Rijn. Tel.: 06 – 27311474 Email: brouwers@rijn.nl http://www.brouwersaandenrijn.nl/ Founded: 2003 Annual production:
Contract brewer. The beers are contract brewed. |
Brouwerij B.V. Nieuwstraat 9, Postbus 2026, 6020 AA Budel. Tel. +31 (0)495 49 13 69 Fax +31 (0)495 49 51 25 Email info@budels.nl Homepage: http://www.budels.nl/ Founded: 1870 Annual production: 20,000 hl
An independent lager brewery with an extensive range of products. I've never been too impressed with their bottom-fermenting beers. There are some good ones amongst the newer range of top-fermenting beers. |
Bierbrouwerij Putterweg 45, 3851 GB Ermelo. Tel: 0341-564934 Fax: 0341-559922 http://www.burgbieren.nl/ Founded: 1995 Annual production: 100 hl
Tiny brewery attached to a beer shop and pub. The beers are available nowhere else, apart from the Arendsnest pub in Amsterdam. |
Cambrinus Venrayseweg 94, 5961 AJ Horst. Tel: 077 - 398 3009 Email: info@cafe-cambrinus.nl http://www.cafe-cambrinus.nl/ Founded: 2002 Annual production: ? hl
A brewery attached to one of Holland's top beer pubs. It uses an installation bought second hand from Brouwerij De Leckere. The beers are only available at the pub. Opening times: Fri-Sat 19:00 - 02:00, Sun 14:00 - 24:00, Wed, Tue, Thur closed |
Dommelsch Brouwerij Brouwerijplein 84, 5551 AE Valkenswaard/Dommelen Tel: 040-2087911, Fax: 040-2044385 Homepage: http://www.dommelsch.nl/ Founded: 1744 Annual production: 650,000 hl
Owned by Interbrew. Even before the closure of Oranjeboom was announced, Dommelsch was Interbrew's preferred brand in Holland. Their pils is remarkable for being particularly bad, even when compared to the pitifully low standard for such beers in Holland. Even though Interbrew did choose it before the much larger Oranjeboom as its Dutch lager brewery, I can't see it having much of a long-term future. The gigantic Interbrew pils factory in Leuven is only a short lorry drive away, after all. |
Drentsche Schans Den Hool 4, 7845 TG Holsloot. Tel.: 0591-564160 / 06-55808375 Fax: 0591-564396 e-mail: info@drentscheschans.nl http://www.drentscheschans.nl Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Contract brewer. The beers are brewed in Belgium. Located on a farm. Grain grown on the farm is used to brew the beers. |
De 3 Horne Bierbrouwerij Marktstraat 40, 5171 GP Kaatsheuvel. Tel: 0416 - 275 272 http://www.de3horne.nl/ Founded: 1990 Annual production: 400 hl
A microbrewery that does lots of contract brewing, as well as producing its own beers. One of the better new breweries in terms of technical quality. |
Brouwerij de Drie Kruizen Postbus 5921, 3273 ZG Westmaas. Tel: (0186) 57 32 39 Fax: (0186) 57 41 90 Homepage: http://www.3kruizen.nl/ Founded: 1991 Annual production: 1,000 hl
Contract brewer. Has its beers contract brewed at Brouwerij Deca in Vleteren in Belgium. |
Amersfoortsche Bierbrouwerij De Drie Ringen Kleine Spui 18 3811 BE Amersfoort. Tel: 033 4656575 Fax 033 - 4652161 Homepage: http://www.dedrieringen.nl Email: info@dedrieringen.nl Founded: 1989 Annual production: 1,250 hl
A micro that produces quite commercial beers. They have had a habit of filtering some of their weaker beers, something that I have always thought a pretty pointless thing for a new small brewery to do. It has a beautiful location in the centre of Amersfoort's old town. There is a small brewery tap, where there are a couple of tables crammed in between the front door and all the brewing equipment. |
Brouwerij Tijmtuin 1, 2353 PH Leiderdorp. Tel.: 071 - 541 37 15 Email: brouwerij@elegantbier.nl Homepage: http://www.elegantbier.nl/index2.html Founded: 1996 Annual production: 70 hl
A tiny brewery with no distribution - if you want to try their beer, you have to go and fetch it yourself. |
- Grand Café Emelisse Stadspolder 1, 4493 PA Kamperland. Tel : 0113 - 370 262 Email : brouwerij@emelisse.nl http://www.emelisse.nl/ Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Microbrewery. First started having beers contract-brewed in 1999 at De Halve Maan and de Scheldebrouwerij. The malt is provided by local farmers with whom the brewery has contracts. There is also a sampling room on the premises. |
Engel Bierbrouwers Herbenusstraat 109, 6211 RC Maastricht. Email: info@mestreechsblont.nl Homepage: http://www.denengel.nl Founded: 2000 Annual production: ?
Currently being brewed at de Heeren van Beeck. it is planned to eventually brew in Maastricht, possibly in conjunction with De Keyzer, a brewery left untouched since its closure in 1970. I've been very impressed with the two beers produced so far. An entity called Bierbrouwerij De Keyzer, has been established by the owners of Den Engel, Heeren van Beeck and those running the De Keyzer brewery museum. They plan to recreate more historic Maastricht beer styles. |
Erve Kots Eimersweg 4, 7137 HG Lievelde. Tel.: 0544-371691 Fax: 0544-377676 Email: info@ervekots.nl Homepage: http://www.ervekots.nl/ Founded: 1998 Annual production:1,000 hl
Brewpub and museum. |
de Fontein Ondergenhousweg 15, 6171 GW Stein. Tel. 046 – 426 28 58 Fax 046 – 426 28 59 e-mail: info@brouwerijdefontein.nl http://www.brouwerijdefontein.nl/ Founded: 2006 Annual production:
Microbrewery. Located in an historic farmhouse comple, it opened in May 2006. In addition to its own two products, it offers "Bier-Op-Maat" - beers brewed for specific clients. There's a sampling room that's open daiy between 10:00 and 22:00. |
Bierbrouwerij N.V. Brouwerslaan 1, Boekelo, 7548 XA Enschede. Tel: 053-4833333 Fax: 053-4833100 Homepage: http://www.grolsch.nl Brouwerijstraat 1, 7523 XC Enschede. ** CLOSED ** Eibergseweg 10, 7141 CE Groenlo. Tel: 0544-479111 Fax: 0544-461111 ** CLOSED ** Founded: 1615 Annual production: 3,404,000 hl (2004)
Bought by SABMiller at the end of 2007. The company used to operate two breweries in the east of Holland, one in Groenlo (from which the name Grolsch derives) and one Enschede (which was badly damaged by the firework explosion). A single, new site at Boeklo (just outside Enschede) was opened in 2004. When this is fully commissioned, the other two will close. They regularly brew one-off beers, sometimes packaged in larger versions of their famous swing-top bottles. Sadly, most of these beers have been pale yellow, not very disctinctive nor in any particular style. Grolsch Amber, a Belgian-style ale at least as good as any of its rivals from south of the border, was unfortunately dropped in 2002. More recent develoments in the product line have been low-strength fruit-flavoured beers. Sorry, but I haven't been able to force myself try any of them yet (despite knowing the bloke fronting their Dutch TV ads). Another range of alcopops - Zinniz - was no great success. Grolsch has in the past dabbled (not too successfully) in foreign takeovers. It doesn't seem to know whether it wants to be a serious European player or a just a big fish in the relatively small Dutch pond. The vast majority of Grolsch's foreign sales are in the UK, where its has a joint venture with Coors (51% Grolsch, 49% Coors). In 2004, about 50% of Grolsch sales were in its home (Dutch) market, 33% in the UK and 17% in the rest of the world.
Groningse Stadsbrouwerij Grunn Boumaboulevard 55, 9723 ZS Groningen. Tel.: 050-3184816 Fax: 050-3134658 Email: verkoop@grunn-speciaalbier.nl Homepage: http://www.grunn-speciaalbier.nl/ Founded: 2000 Annual production: ?
Contract brewer. The beers were originally brewed at the Texelse Brouwerij. After 2001 the beers were brewed in Groningen. Currently, they are brewed in Belgium and Germany. |
Gulpener Bierbrouwerij Rijksweg 16 6271 AE Gulpen. tel. 043-4507575 fax 043-4507500 Email: info@gulpener.nl Homepage: http://www.gulpener.nl/ Founded: 1825 Annual production: 130,000 hl
Gulpener is one of Holland's major regional breweries with an impressive array of products. It sometimes works in cooperation with Grolsch. |
de Haagse Bierbrouwerij Riviervismarkt 1, 2513 AM Den Haag. Tel: 070 - 368 60 91 Fax: 070 - 365 93 25 Email: haagse.bierbrouwerij@tiscali.nl Homepage: http://www.haagsebierbrouwerij.nl/ Founded: 2001 ***** CLOSED February 2007 ***** Annual production: 400 hl.
The successor to the Fiddler and Firkin brewery, which closed in 1999. The brewery and the Fiddler pub have now been split into separate businesses. The brewery re-opened in 2001. It is unique in Holland, producing English-style cask-conditioned beers. Not only that, their ales are more than passable. Occasional cross-cultural artifacts, like cask-conditioned witbier, demonstrate how many possibilities remain untapped in the wide, wacky world of beer. We should definitely encourage them to keep experimenting. Where would we be now if Hoffmann had had no sense of adventure? No tales, that's for sure. The beers were not available in the Florin and Firkin in Utrecht last time I visited. |
Brouwerij De Halve Maan Absdaalseweg 2, 4561 GG Hulst Tel: 0114 - 3010660 Fax: 0114 - 314339 Email: halvemaan@zeelandnet.nl Homepage: http://www.halvemaan.com/ Founded: 1989 Annual production: 3,000 hl
A micro which has gone through several changes of ownership and beer ranges. Has alternated between the sublime and the ridiculous. It produced, sadly now well in the past, possibly the best Dutch beer I've ever had: Zeeuwsche Bruin, a sour brown beer in the Belgian style. |
De Heeren van Beeck Burgemeester Janssenstraat 26, 6191 JC Beek. Tel: 046-4280414 Fax: 046-4280415 Homepage: http://www.heerenvanbeeck.nl/ Founded: 1998 Annual production: 500 hl
Contract brewer. Formerly a brewpub, the equipment was sold to a brewery in Zeeland and production of the beers moved to the Proef Brouwerij in Lochristi, Belgium. |
Heineken Brouwerij Burg. Smeetsweg 1, 2382 PH Zoeterwoude. Tel: 071-5456111 Fax: 071-5415077 Rietveldenweg 37, 5222 AP 's-Hertogenbosch. Tel: 073-6209911 Fax: 073-6209136 Head Office 2e Weteringplantsoen 21, 1017 ZD Amsterdam, Tel: 020-5239239, Fax: 020-6263503 Homepage: http://www.heineken.nl and http://www.heineken.com Founded: 1874 Annual production: 15,000,000 hl
Where is Heineken brewed - in Zoeterwoude and Den Bosch, but not in Amsterdam. Heineken closed their original brewery in 1989 and replaced it (well most of it) with a crappy high-rise and a pointless square. Heineken's Amsterdam breweries are explained here. Heineken is the second largest (it could be third or fourth largest now - these takeovers are going so fast a poor boy can't keep up) brewing company in the world. It has two breweries of its own in Holland (Den Bosch and Zoeterwoude) but closed its original Amsterdam brewery in the late 1980's. With the exception of the UK, all the Heineken sold throughout the world is brewed in Holland. 7 million hl are exported to the USA alone (that's more than the total exports to the States of all the German breweries put together!). In Holland Heineken owns Brand and De Ridder (now closed). Elsewhere its subsidiaries include: Moretti (Italy), Zywiec (Poland), Murphy's (Ireland) and most of the Slovakian beer industry.
de Hemel Franseplaats 1, 6511 VS Nijmegen Tel: 024-3606167, Fax: 024-3608062 http://www.brouwerijdehemel.nl/ Founded: 1996 Annual production
Brewpub and museum. They also produce beer liqueurs, mustard, vinegar and marmalade. |
Bierbrouwerij Hengelo. http://www.hengelobier.com/ Founded: 2007 Annual production:
Contract brewer. The original Hengelosche Brouwerij was founded in 1879. In 1974 it was bought by Artois and closed in 1988. Currently the beer is being brewed at de Bassus - Schlossbrauerei zu Sandersdorf brewery in Germnay, but they plan to open their own brewery in the Hengelo area sometime in 2008. |
Klokbier BV Bataviaplein 150, 8242 PN Lelystad. Tel: 0320 295 080 Email: info@klokbier.nl http://www.klokbier.nl/ Founded: 2006 Annual production: 1250 hl (2006 projected)
Brewpub. Run by Patrick van Dam, graduate of TU München (Weihenstephan). Unsurprisingly, he brews German-style beers. They expect to sell about half their production in the brewpub, half in other outlets. |
Hertog Jan Brouwerij Kruisweg 44, 5944 EN Arcen, tel: 077-4732427, Fax: 077-4731297 Founded: 1915 Annual production: 50,000 hl |
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This brewery has lived an exciting life in the last couple of decades. As part of Verenigde Bierbrouwerijen (Oranjeboom) it was threatened with closure, before a mangement buyout in 1981. There was a clause in the agreement which prevented them from brewing bottom-fermented beer and they developed a range of Belgian-style ales. Oranjeboom later bought the brewery back to get hold of its speciality brands, before selling it on to Interbrew in 1995. With Interbrew's purchase of Oranjeboom, the breweries were united for a third time. There are rumours that at least some of the range is already being brewed at one of Interbrew's Belgian plants. Given Interbrew's track record with small ale breweries, I would be surprised if Hertog Jan lasted more than five years. Photo courtesy Andy of Beer-Mania!. |
Stadsbrouwerij Heusden Stadshaven 1, 5256 BA Heusden. Tel.: 0416 - 660 039 @mail: th.loon@wxs.nl Founded: 2003 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Hoeksche Waard Postbus 1559, 3260 BB Oud Beijerland. Tel.: 0186-624904 Fax: 0186-614766 Email: hoekschewaard@hetnet.nl Homepage : http://www.bierbrouwerij-hoekschewaard.nl Founded: 1998 Annual production: ? hl
They currently brew their beers at De Proefbrouwerij in Lochristi in Belgium. The intention is to have their own brewery at some point in the future (that's what they all say). |
De Hopper Kaatsheuvel . Tel: Email: DenHopper.Jos@home.nl http://www.denhopper.nl Founded: 1999 Annual production: 6 hl
Microbrewery. Moved from Gulpen to Kaatsheuvel in 2005. |
Gooische Bierbrouwerij De Horste Middenweg 101b, 1394 AE Nederhorst den Berg. Tel.: 0294-255704, Fax: 0294-255768 Email: dehorste@planet.nl Homepage:: http://www.de-gooische.nl Founded: 1999 CLOSED 2001 Annual production: ? hl
A micro that exports most of its beer to the USA, Canada, Australia and Japan. The beers seem to be contract brewed in Belgium. |
More Dutch Beer Pages
Dutch pub guides |
Dutch Brewery Pages
Amsterdam Pub Guide | |
Rotterdam Pub Guide | |
Haarlem Pub Guide | |
The Hague (Den Haag) Pub Guide | |
Utrecht Pub Guide | |
Pub Guides to Other Dutch Towns | |
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© Ron Pattinson 2000-2015
All articles and photos on these pages are property of Ron
Pattinson. If you would like permission to reproduce either on your own site
or in a book, please contact me first.