Swiss Breweries |
styles - history - beers |
Introduction | ||
For those of us with an 'O' Level in geography,
it comes as no surprise that there are many similarities between Swiss beer
and that of Austria and Bavaria. (For the geographically-challenged: Austria
and Bavaria are Switzerland's northern and eastern neighbours.) This is continental Europe (and not Belgium), so we're in lager country, children. We shouldn't be surprised that country with four official languages is ever so slightly schizophrenic. On the one hand, Swiss brewers voluntarily stick (in certain circumstances) to the Reinheitsgebot. Then they're proud to brew lagers with a third maize or rice. So proud, in fact, that they celebrate the foreign grain in the beer's name. Not that I'm complaining. Odd it might be, honest it certainly is. Swiss law allows the use of maize and rice, as well as up to 10% sugar and 20% starch. So just how Reinheitsgebot any of the beers really are, is totally up to the brewer. On the Schweizerischer Bierbrauerverein - Société Suisse des Brasseurs site they claim that certain styles are always brewed to the Reinheitsgebot - it's up to you whether you believe them or not. |
Index Swiss brewing industry Swiss beer satistics Swiss beer styles Swiss Breweries Swiss Beer Law |
is East and West is West There are two distinct beer cultures (ignoring mass-market stuff): Western Switzerland (French-speaking cantons and neighbouring areas, the limit being somewhere near Berne) has been exposed to Belgian imports for 30 years. Since 1997 beers from Quebec have also been available. But they don't limit their influences to other Francophone regions; the micros in this part of Switzerland are also open to British styles. Eastern Switzerland (German-speaking cantons) is still very much lager country. The micros and brewpubs there brew lager, lager and more lager... it's also the region where independent family brewers are still strong. Their lagers are decent, at times, if unspectacular. |
The Swiss brewing industry | ||
Without any big predators of its own, Switzerland, inevitably, attracted
the attention of those that had already emptied their own praries of buffalo. Heineken
and Carlsberg gobbled up a considerable portion of the Swiss industry without a great
deal of effort. Between them they have around two thirds of the Swiss beer market. They did what this type of global parasite always does: push their own crappy lagers and kill off any interesting beer that falls into their hands. So goodbye Switzerland's only internationally-known beer (Samichlaus - now brewed in Austria by Schloss Eggenberg). I'm sure that such philanthropically-inclined enterprises will continue to improve and rationalise the the poor old parochial Swiss brewing industry. Map of Swiss breweries (the red dots are larger breweries, yellow, green and blue dots are micros) ![]() Source: Swiss microbreweries The current number of active breweries is 92 - a very respectable number for a country with only 7.25 million inhabitants.. The breweries break down as follows: |
Brewery | No. | Details |
Carlsberg/Feldschlösschen | 3 | Has breweries in Rheinfelden (Feldschlösschen), Fribourg (Cardinal) and Sion (Valaisanne). Has 42% of the Swiss market. |
Heineken | 2 | Has a brewery in Chur. Previously known as Calanda Haldengut Brauereien. Has 17% of the Swiss market. Bought largest independent Eichof in 2008. |
Independents | 17 | Mostly pretty small (<50,000 hl). |
Brewpubs | 42 | The first brewpubs started to appear in the 1990's. As you can see, there are quite a few of them. |
Microbreweries | 28 | The microbrewery scene is very buoyant in Switzerland. |
Brewers' Trade Organisations As in several other traditional brewing nations, there has been a growing divergence between the interests of a handful of large brewers and their smaller rivals. One result has been the establishment of a group representing the views of small, established breweries. |
Schweizerischer Bierbrauerverein
- Société Suisse des Brasseurs : Postfach 8023 Zürich Tel: 01 - 221 2628 Fax: 01 - 211 6206 Homepage: The established organisation. |
Interessengemeinschaft unabhängiger Klein- und Mittelbrauereien Geschäftsstelle: HSP Consulting AG, 9008 St. Gallen Telefon 071 - 244 0656 / Telefax 071 - 245 7242 Email: Homepage: The new organisation. It currently has 17 members. |
Beer Drinkers' Organisation Switzerland has an active and well-supported beer consumers' organiasation: Association des Buveurs d'Orges (ABO) - "Barley Drinkers' Association". Unlike Belgium, where the beer consumer movement is almost exclusively Flemish, ABO draws its support from both the French- and German-speaking communities (yes, I am aware that two other langauges are spoken in Switzerland). This is reflected in their magazine, "Le Courier de l'Orge/Der Gerstenkurier", which is bilingual. Association des Buveurs d'Orges (ABO) Case postale 2, 1800 Vevey 1. Tel: 021 964 73 30 Email: Homepage: |
Swiss Beer Styles | |||
Heaven and Helles Swiss beer, to no real surprise, slots in neatly between Austria and Bavaria. These are the only major beer markets where, though pale lager is still king, it's in the form of Helles rather than Pils. But how long will this last, especially with Heineken and Carlsberg running much of the Swiss brewing industry? Bottom-fermenting Styles The overwhelming of majority of beer brewed in Switzerland is bottom-fermenting. The great majority are in broadly the same style as their Bavarian equivalents. This is a breakdown of the bottom-fermenting styles: |
Style | alc. | Plato | description |
Schwarzbier | 4.6 - 5.2% | A recent appearance (or re-appearance) on the Swiss brewing landscape. Röstmalz gives these dark lagers their alluring pitch-black hue. The bitterness in such beers derives mostly from this type of roasted malt, too. | |
Luxusbier | min. 4.1% | 10º | The definition of this type of beer is incredibly vague - anything in a fancy bottle made from unusual ingredients. |
Pilsner/Premium-Bier | 4.6 - 5.2% | The standard very pale, slightly hoppy sort of crap sold everywhere. Swiss versions are rarely labelled as "pils" - the vague term "Premium-Bier" is preferred. Tend to slightly stronger - over 5% - than in other German-speaking countries. | |
Lagerbier (Dunkles) | 4.2 - 5.3% | 10 - 12º | A lightly-hopped dark lager. This style is always brewed to the Reinheitsgebot. |
Lagerbier (Helles) | 4.2 - 5.3% | 10 - 12º | A lightly-hopped pale lager. This style is always brewed to the Reinheitsgebot. The most popular style of beer in Switzerland. |
Zwickelbier | 4.8 - 5.7% | 11.5 - 14º | Unfiltered lager. Usually an unfiltered version of a Helles or Spezialbier. A relatively new innovation, but one that has already been taken up by many brewers. |
Spezialbier Hell | 4.8 - 5.7% | 11.5 - 14º | Full-bodied and quite heavily-hopped pale lager. Along the same lines as a Bavarian Spezial. This style is always brewed to the Reinheitsgebot. |
Spezialbier Dunkel | 4.8 - 5.7% | 11.5 - 14º | Dark, malty lager, similar to a Bavarian Dunkles Export. This style is always brewed to the Reinheitsgebot. Though many breweries make one, it is very much a minority style. |
Festbier/ Märzenbier | 5.8 - 6% | 14 - 15º | The term Festbier is quite vague, covering a whole range of pale or amber lagers. This style is always brewed to the Reinheitsgebot. |
Bock | 5.4 - 7% | 13 - 17º | Strong, bitter-sweet lagers, which can vary from pale yellow to dark brown in colour. Usually available only at certain times of the year - typically Easter and Christmas. Some of the Swiss examples would be considered far too weak to be called a bock in Germany or Austria. This style is always brewed to the Reinheitsgebot. |
Leichtbier | max. 3% | Low-alcohol pale lager. | |
Maisbier/Reisbier | 4.8 - 5.7% | 11.5 - 14º | Pale lager, where the palate has been lightened by the use of maize or rice in the grist. Such beers have names like "Maisperle". |
Top-fermenting Styles There are a few examples of Bavarian-style wheat beers, but the style does not enjoy the same level of popularity as it does in Germany. That aside, the commercial Swiss breweries are effectively 100% bottom-fermenting. This is an overview of the top-fermenting beers brewed in Switzerland: |
Style | alc. | Plato | description |
Weizenbier | 4.8 - 5.4% | 11.5 - 13º | Top-fermenting wheat beer in the Bavarian style. Comes in pale and dark, filtered and unfiiltered varieties. Lightly-hopped, high in carbonation, and with a characteristic spiciness derived from the special yeast culture. |
Altbier | 4.2 - 5.3% | 10 - 12º | A copper to pale brown coloured beer, which is fairly dry and hoppy. |
Others | varies | Some micros and brewpubs brew beers in British styles, such as Bitter, Stout or Porter. Others try their hand at Belgian styles like Witbier or strong ale. |
Swiss Breweries |
Swiss Beer Statistics |
Statistical Overview | ||||||
Year | No. breweries | Production hl # | Imports hl | Exports hl | Consumption hl | Consumption (litres/head) |
1986/87 | 4,124,369 | 485,900 | 4,610,269 | 69.8 | ||
1987/88 | 4,077,943 | 534,175 | 4,612,118 | 69.4 | ||
1988/89 | 4,133,263 | 551,736 | 4,684,999 | 69.9 | ||
1989/90 | 4,170,337 | 603,568 | 4,773,905 | 70.7 | ||
1990/91 | 4,183,358 | 661,422 | 4,844,780 | 71.0 | ||
1991/92 | 4,080,671 | 708,542 | 4,789,213 | 69.4 | ||
1992/93 | 3,865,955 | 701,676 | 4,567,631 | 65.5 | ||
1993/94 | 3,852,892 | 697,575 | 4,550,467 | 64.8 | ||
1994/95 | 3,730,082 | 700,996 | 4,431,078 | 62.7 | ||
1995/96 | 3,596,388 | 708,885 | 30,164 | 4,305,273 | 60.6 | |
1996/97 | 3,534,849 | 714,319 | 4,249,168 | 59.5 | ||
1997/98 | 3,558,045 | 719,403 | 4,277,448 | 59.9 | ||
1998/99 | 3,578,572 | 633,421 | 4,211,993 | 58.8 | ||
1999/00 | 3,613,986 | 580,718 | 4,194,704 | 58.3 | ||
2000 | 3,586,026 | 575,929 | 17,000 | 4,161,955 | 57.8 | |
2001 | 3,536,823 | 617,023 | 21,949 | 4,153,846 | 57.4 | |
2002 | 3,493,536 | 633,897 | 21,471 | 4,127,433 | 56.6 | |
2003 | 3,665,888 | 668,486 | 25,865 | 4,334,374 | 58.7 | |
2004 | 3,560,825 | 701,723 | 4,262,548 | 57.3 | ||
2005 | 92* | |||||
Notes: Brewing year: 1st October to 30th September before 2000 # excluding exports * my calculation Source: Schweizerischer Bierbrauerverein |
Market share by brewery | ||
Brauerei | 1999 | 2004 |
Feldschlösschengruppe (Carlsberg) | 47 | 42 |
Calanda - Haldengut (Heineken) | 15 | 17 |
Imports | 15 | 16 |
Eichhof | 7 | -- |
Schützengarten | 4 | - |
Others | 12 | - |
Regional breweries (3) | - | 14% |
Small breweries (20) | - | 10% |
Micronreweries/brewpubs (100) | - | 1% |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Source: Interessengemeinschaft unabhängiger Klein- und Mittelbrauereien |
Market share by beer type | ||
Beer type | 2003 | 2004 |
Lagerbier | 69.9% | 77.6% |
Spezialbier | 24.7% | 16.9% |
Specialities | 5.4% | 5.5% |
Source: Schweizerischer Bierbrauerverein |
Market share by package type | ||
Package type | 2003 | 2004 |
Draught | 34.2% | 34.5% |
Returnable bottle | 33.5% | 32% |
Non-returnable bottle | 23.1% | 22.9% |
Can | 9.2% | 10.6% |
Source: Schweizerischer Bierbrauerverein |
What do my scores mean? | |
< 25 | positively unpleasant |
25 - 40 | has its faults |
40-50 | OK |
50-60 | reasonably good |
60-70 | above average - definitely worth trying |
70-80 | excellent - worth hunting for |
80 > | world class - you must try it |
Swiss Breweries |
Listings |
Aare Bier Neuenburgstr. 4, 3282 Bargen BE. Tel: 032 - 391 0022 Fax: 032 - 391 0029 Email: Email Founded: 2006 Annual production: 5,000 hl (2006 capacity) Microbrewery. Its owners, the company Max Herrmann, has been in the animal feed business for more than 40 years. The decline of the agricultural sector has prompet them to diversify. |
Schlatthof 1, 4628 Wolfwil. Tel: 062 - 926 3644 Fax: 062 - 926 3645 Email: Homepage: Founded: Annual production:
Microbrewery on an organic farm. |
Adler AG Hauptstrasse 34, 8762 Schwanden GL. Tel: 055 / 647 35 35 Fax: 055 / 647 35 34 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1828 Annual production:
Independent brewery. Owned by the Kundert family for more than 100 years. |
Aemme Hohgantweg 2, 3550 Langnau. Tel: 034 - 402 16 66 Founded: 2000 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Tramdepot Brauerei Restaurant AG Grosser Muristalden 9, 3006 Bern BE. Tel: 031 / 368 1415 Fax: 031 / 368 1416 Email: Homepage: Founded: Annual production:
Brewpub in, as the name suggests, an old tram garage. In addition to the three regular draught beers, they brew seasonal specialities. In 2003, these beers included: English Bitter Ale, Pils, Oktoberfestbier, Trappist Beer, Smoked Beer, Muenchner, Easter Bock. Opening times: (Summer) Mon-Sun 10:00 - 00:30 (Winter) Mon-Sun 11:00 - 00:30 |
Baar AG Langgasse 41, Postfach 142, 6341 Baar ZG. Tel: 041 / 761 12 08 Fax: 041 / 760 26 83 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1862 (in same family since 1902) Annual production:
Independent, family-owned brewery. |
Back & Bräu Mühleweg 23, Langenthal. closed |
Back & Bräu Bahnhofplatz 2, St-Gallen. closed |
& Bräu Loretostrasse 19, 9620 Lichtensteig. Tel.: 071 988 46 46 Fax: 071 988 63 94 Email: Founded: 1997 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Back & Bräu Bahnhofplatz 5, 8640 Rapperswil. Tel.: 055 220 89 99 Fax: 055 220 89 98 Email: Founded: 1995 *** CLOSED 2005 *** Annual production:
Brewpub. |
& Bräu Seestrasse 2, Thun. Founded: 1995 Annual production:
Brewpub. No longer brewing. |
& Bräu Steinfels Heinrichstrasse 267, 8005 Zürich. Tel.: 01 271 10 30 Fax: 01 271 15 05 Email: Founded: 1995 *** CLOSED 2004 *** Annual production:
Brewpub. |
& Bräu Zur Linde Universitätstrasse 2, 8005 Zürich. Founded: 1989 Annual production:
Brewpub. No longer brewing. |
Sandrainstrasse 10, Postfach 5609, 3001 Bern. Tel. 031 - 376 2130 Fax: 031 - 376 2135 Email: Founded: 1998 ***** CLOSED 2005 ***** Annual production:
Brewpub. The smallest brewery in Bern. ***** CLOSED 2005 ***** Opening times: Tuesday: 17:00 - 00:30 Thursday: 17:00 - 00:30 Friday: 17:00 - 00:30 Saturday: 13:00 - 00:30 |
Bäsibräu Wieseneg 14, Besenbüren. Tel: Fax: Email: Founded: 2004 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Belle de Genève Rue de Montbrillant 30, Genève. Tel: 078 - 850 2220 Fax: Email: Founded: 2004 Annual production:
Contract brewer. Since the Brasserie Artisanale de Genève went bust in 2004, the beers have been brewed elsewhere. |
Biberbräu Bulthaldenstr 9, 5023 Biberstein AG. Founded: 1997 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Bière de Posieux (La Croix-Blanche) route de Fribourg 71, 1725 Posieux. Tel: 026 - 411 9900 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1999 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Bier Paul Idastr 28, Zürich. Founded: 2003 Merged in 2005 with Erusbacher Bräu Annual production: Brewpub. Merged in 2005 with Erusbacher Bräu to become Erusbacher & Paul |
Brauteam Hardegg 5, 3326 Krauchtal. Tel: 034 - 411 0036 Founded: 2001 Annual production: Brewpub. |
BierVision Monstein AG Andreas Aegerter, Postfach, 7278 Davos Monstein, Tel: 081 - 420 3060, Fax: 081 - 420 3061 Email: Homepage: Founded: Annual production:
Brewpub. The highest brewery in Europe (1650m). The beers are fermented in open tanks. |
Birraria via Penate 7, 6850 Mendrisio. Tel: 091 - 630 0330 Fax. 091 - 630 2388 Email: Homepage: Founded: 2002 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes Chemin des Buissons 8, CH-2350 Saignelégier. Tel: 032 - 951 2626 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1997 Annual production:
Microbrewery. All the beers are unfiltered. Owned by Jérôme Rebetez. Has a good reputation for interesting beers. |
BoFo Bräu Mühlebühl 7, 9100 Herisau. Tel: Fax: Email: Founded: 2003 Annual production:
Microbrewery named after its two founders, Marco Forrer und Jeremias Bolt. |
du Boxer SA Route d'Echallens 32, 1032 Romanel/Lausanne. Tel. +41 (0)21/646 53 63 Fax +41 (0)21/646 36 01 E-mail Founded: 1960 Annual production:
A small brewery with a very odd founding date. Owned by Löwengarten Holding AG, Goldach. |
Brasseurs Genève Place Cornavin 20, 1201 Genève. Tel: 022 - 731 0206 Fax: 022 - 731 0210 Founded: 1997 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Brasseurs Lausanne rue Centrale 4, 1003 Lausanne. Tel: 021 - 351 1424 Fax: 021 - 351 1425 Email: Founded: 1997 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Brasseurs Nyon Rue de la Gare 18, 1260 Nyon Tel : 022 362 40 50 Fax : 022 361 71 68 Emails: Founded: 2001 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Wynigenstrasse 13, 3401 Burgdorf. Tel: 034 - 423 1361 Homepage: Founded: 1999 Annual production:
Brewpub. Supposed to brew pretty good beer. |
Du Cardinal Passage du Cardinal, 1701 Fribourg FR. Tel: 0848 125 000 Fax: 0848 125 001 Email: Homepage: Founded: Annual production:
Part of Feldschlösschen Getränke AG, a subsidiary of Carlsberg (since November 2000). Brands from the closed Gurten brewery are the only drinkable products coming out of Cardinal in Fribourg. |
du Centre Grand Rue, 1874 Champéry. Tel: 024 - 479 1550 Homepage: Founded: 2000 Annual production:
Brewpub. In what looks like a Swiss chalet. |
Café du Marché Place au Marché, 2400 Le Locle Founded: 2002 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
des Brasseurs rue des Annonciades 15, 2900 Porrentruy. Tel: 078 - 682 6939 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1996 Annual production:
Brewpub. Opening times: Tuesday 17:00 - 18:30 Friday 17:00 - 21:00 Saturday 14:00 - 17:00 |
Artisanale du Château Place du Tunnel 1, 1005 Lausanne. Tel: 021 - 312 6011 Fax: 021 - 312 6012 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1997 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Artisanale du Clos des Pommiers Clos des Pommiers, 1082 Corcelles-le-Jorat. Tel: 021 - 903 4092 Fax: Email: Founded: 2003 Annual production: 50 hl
Microbrewery. |
Brasserie Artisanale
de la Côte Vy Mont Blanc, 1262 Eysins. Tel: 022 - 361 3042 Email: Founded: 1999 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Gab's Beer Dérochet, Lausanne. Email: Founded: 2001 Annual production:
Microbrewery. They brew an interesting mix of British and Belgian styles. |
Bräu Flühgasse 8, 8008 Zürich. Tel: 043 - 243 7575 Fax: Email: Founded: 2005 Annual production: 250 hl
Microbrewery. |
Brauerei A. Egger AG
Brauereiweg 3, 3076 Worb BE. Tel: 031 / 839 03 57 Fax: 031 / 839 03 25 email: Founded: 1862 Annual production:
Independent brewery, currently run by the 5th generation of the Egger family. The founder of the brewery, Gottfried Egger, emigrated to the USA in 1855 and ran a brewery in Chicago. In 1862 he returned to Switzerland, where he built a new brewery. |
Bruaerei Eichhof Obergrundstrasse 110, 6002 Luzern LU. Tel: 041 / 319 11 11 Fax: 041 / 319 12 06 email: Founded: Annual production:
Bought by Heineken in 2008. |
Engiadinaisa 7559 Tschlin. Tel: 081 - 866 33 03 Fax: 081 - 866 32 47 Email: Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
& Paul Büttikerstrasse 3, 5612 Villmergen. Tel: 056 - 621 1100 Fax: Email: Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Microbrewery. Formed in 2005 by the merger of the Erusbacher Bräu microbrewery and the Bier Paul brewpub. |
Falken AG Brauereistrasse 1, 8201 Schaffhausen SH. Tel: 052 / 632 00 00 Fax: 052 / 624 48 22 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1799 Annual production: 100,000 hl
Independent brewery. |
Feldschlösschen Theophil Roniger-Strasse, 4310 Rheinfelden AG. Tel: 0848 125 000 Fax: 0848 125 001 Email: Homepage: Founded: Annual production: 4,400,000 hl (incl. soft drinks)
Part of Feldschlösschen Getränke AG, a subsidiary of Carlsberg (since November 2000). The group owns 3 breweries in Switzerland. The Swiss headquarters is in Rheinfelden. The company has closed 5 Swiss breweries in the last 10 years:
Felsenau AG Strandweg 34, 3004 Bern 4 BE. Tel: 031 / 301 22 08 Fax: 031 / 301 96 03 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1881 Annual production: 9,000 hl (1996)
Independent. Since March 2002 they have had a distribution deal with Heineken. |
Felsenkeller Dorfstr. 11, 8712 Stäfa. Founded: 1997 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Fischerstube AG Rheingasse 45, 4058 Basel. Tel: 061 / 692 94 95 Fax: 061 / 692 94 92 Email: Founded: 1974 Annual production:
Brewpub. A very early new brewery with a good reputation. |
& Brau Chännelmattstr. 2, 3186 Düdingen. Tel: 026 - 493 1103 Fax: 026 - 493 1120 Email: Founded: 2004 Annual production: 60 hl
Microbrewery in a butcher´s (Metzgerei Egger). |
Flims Surselva AG 7018 Flims Waldhaus. Tel: 081 - 928 1400 Fax: Email: Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Brewpub. Opening times: Mon-Sun 11.00 - 23:30 (closed Mondays in the Summer) |
Birrificio Il Forno route de Chancy 71, 1213 Petit-Lancy. Tel: 022 - 793 60 30 Founded: 2001 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Brasserie Artisanale
du Foudre rue des Terreaux 1, 1095 Lutry. Tel: 021 - 791 1643 Email: Founded: Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Frauenfeld Hohenzornstrasse 2, 8500 Frauenfeld. 052 / 728 99 00 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1980 (closed1994) Annual production:
Set up to help fund the restoration of a monastary. It operates from the same premises as Brauhaus Sternen, which was the brewery tap. Both beers are currently contract brewed by Heineken in Chur. |
Brauerei Robert Frei Rebenweg 2, 5074 Eiken AG. Tel: 062 - 871 1757 Founded: 1998 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Frères Papinot 1203 Genève. Email: Homepage: Founded: 1999 Annual production:
Contract brewer. The beer is brewed by Locher. |
Brasserie Artisanale de Fribourg
rue de la Samaritaine 19, Case postale 159, 1707 Fribourg. Tel: 026 - 322 8088 Email : Founded: 1999 Annual production:
Microbrewery. Supposedly Switzerland's smallest brewery. It looks like it's in someone's kitchen. Open on Saturday 8:00 - 18:00 |
Fût Malté Rue du 23-Juin 24, 2830 Courrendlin. Tel: 032 - 435 1638 Fax: 032 - 435 1639 Email: Founded: 2004 *** CLOSED 2006 *** Annual production:
Microbrewery. In a posh booze shop. |
Artisanale de Genève Rte de Bois-de-Bay 28 Peney, 1242 Satigny. Tel: 022 - 341 3757 Fax: 022 - 341 3756 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1998 *** CLOSED 2004 *** Annual production: 2400 hl.
Microbrewery. |
Brauerei Frohsinn Romanshornerstrasse 15, 9320 Arbon. Tel: +41 71 - 447 8484 Fax: +41 71 - 446 4142 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1986 Annual production:
Brewpub and hotel. |
Mikrobrauerei G48 Pionierstrasse 10, 8400 Winterthur ZH. Tel: 052 / 202 3488 Fax: 01 / 860 9841 Email: Founded: 2002 Annual production: Microbrewery. |
Bräu Wiesholz, 8262 Ramsen. Tel: 052 - 743 13 12 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1998 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
& Retsch Zugerstrasse 64, 8810 Horgen. Tel: 079 - 346 26 61 Fax: 041 - 440 12 54 Email: Founded: 2002 Annual production:
Microbrewery. Formerly called Gnos-Pfeiffer. |
GoldküstenBräu Bahnweg 133, 8706 Meilen. Tel: 079 - 3436 333 Fax: Email: Founded: 2004 Annual production: Tiny microbrewery. Their website says everything except what they brew. |
Gonzen Restaurant Städtchenstrasse 56, 7320 Sarganz. Founded: 1998 closed 2002. Annual production:
Brewpub. |
"vo Gränchä bi Gott" Allmendstrasse 41, 2540 Grenchen. Tel: 076 - 330 8086 Fax: Email: info@vogränchä Founded: 2004 Annual production:
Microbrewery. They brew to the Reinheitsgebot, which is pretty pointless if you´re top fermenting. Opening times: Wed 17:00 - 19:00 Sat 09:00 - 13:00 |
Granicum (Lötscher), Solothurnstr. 10, 2540 Grenchen. Tel: 032 - 652 1277 Fax: 032 - 652 1704 Email: Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Brewpub/microbrewery. Housed in a former dairy. Opening times: Tue-Wed 17:00 – 18:30, Thur-Fri 17.00 - 23:30 Sat 09:00 - 12:00 Monday closed. |
Brauerei Grimm Ringstrasse 2, 4556 Aeschi. Tel.: 062 - 9613000 Fax: 062 - 9614000 Email: Founded: 2004 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Brennerei Grogg Laengmattweg 4, 2545 Altreu/Selzach. Tel: 032 - 641 2440 Email: Founded: 1999 Annual production:
A small distillery that has also started brewing. |
des Grottes rue de la Servette 6, 1201 Genève. Tel: 022 734 9200 Fax: 022 734 9201 Email: Homepage: Founded: 2002 Annual production:
Modern brewpub next door to a cinema of the same name. |
Haldemann Chemin des Cygnes 51, 1786 Sugiez. Tel: 026 - 673 0037 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1998 Annual production:
Microbrewery. A brewery with brewing some unusual beers. I thought that the term "Trappist" was protected in the EU (silly me - Switzerland isn't in the EU). It's still irriatating to see such a precisely-defined term misused. |
AG Langenthal (Hasli-Bier) St. Urbanstrasse 34, 4900 Langenthal. Tel: 079 214 9278 Homepage: Founded: 2002 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Switzerland AG Kasernenstrasse 36, 7007 Chur GR. Tel: 081 / 256 01 11 Fax: 081 / 256 01 49 Email: Founded: 1843 Annual production:
Heineken Switzerland AG Haldenstrasse 69, Postfach 8401 Winterthur ZH Tel: 052 / 264 41 41 Fax: 052 / 264 44 44 Email: Founded: bought by Heineken in 1999 - closed May 2002 Annual production:
Heineken operates one brewery, located in Chur, through its Swiss subsidiary. The Haldengut brewery in Winterthur closed in 2002, the remaining brands being brewed in Chur. The two breweries were known as Calanda Haldengut Brauereien before the Heineken takeover. If they had room on their website for anything other than gimmicky junk, I might even be able to tell you what beers they brew. |
Heinzenbräu 8352 Räterschen. Tel: 052 - 363 1075 Fax: Email: Founded: 2002 Annual production:
Microbrewery Has an almost worthless website. |
Herzbräu Dändlikon 3, 8634 Hombrechtikon. Tel: Fax: Email: http:// Founded: 1993 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Hirnibräu Winzerstrasse 79, 8049 Zürich. Founded: 2005 Annual production: Microbrewery. |
Tropfen Rietweg, 8476 Unterstammheim. Tel./ Fax: 052 - 745 2719 Email: reutimann@hopfentropfen Homepage: Founded: 2000 Annual production:
Brewpub in a farm. They grow their own hops, which they use in a variety of products, including vinagar, oil, schnapps and tea. They run all sorts of beer- and hop-related activities, such as brewing seminars. |
Bräu Alte Hägglinger Str. 29, 5605 Dottikon. Tel: 056 - 624 2760 Fax: Email: Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Hübeli Braui Flurstrasse 2, 4522 Rüttenen. Tel: 032 - 622 2933 Fax: Email: http:// Founded: 2004 Annual production: Microbrewery. |
Huus Braui Schlossgässli 2 Schmiedgasse 30, St Gallen. Homepage: Founded: 1998 Annual production:
Microbrewery. Brewery tap opening times: Mon - Fri: 16:00-19:30 Sat: 10:00-16:00 Sun: closed |
Käppeljoch Bier Colmarer Str. 16, Basel. Tel: Fax: Email: http:// Founded: 2004 Annual production: Microbrewery. |
Karbacher AG Gösgerstrasse 32, 5012 Schönenwerd SO. Tel: 062 / 849 19 11 Fax: 062 / 849 22 34 Homepage: Founded: 1886 Annual production:
Independent brewery. The only brewery in Kanton Soloturn. It was founded by a Bavarian, Franz Karbacher, to brew beer for his pub next to the Aarebrücke. The brewery is run today by his great-grandson. Brewery tap: |
– Brauerei Lindenstrasse 4, 9554 Tobel – Tägerschen Tel: 071 - 917 1402 Fax: 071 - 917 1912 Email: http://www.komturei-brauerei.c Founded: 2006 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Gasthaus-Brauerei Kreuz Thunstrasse 84, 3700 Spiez BE. Tel: 033 / 654 13 45 Email: Founded: 1993 ***** CLOSED 2005 ***** Annual production:
Brewpub. ***** CLOSED 2005 ***** |
Kreuzmühle Bäckerei-Konditorei-Café Kreuzmühle Höfnerstrasse 14, 6314 Unterägeri ZG. Tel: 041 / 750 11 19 Fax: 041 / 750 57 58 Founded: Annual production:
Microbrewery. A bakery that also brews. |
Kündigbräu GmbH Hauptstrasse 49, 5323 Rietheim. Tel : 056 - 249 1613 Fax : 056 - 249 1611 Mobile : 079 - 655 4008 Email : Homepage: Founded: 1998 Annual production: 200 hl
A one-man microbrewery. All the beers are unfilterered. The brewer, René Kündig, completed a brewing apprenticeship at Hürlimann in 1968. He worked briefly at Usterbräu in Uster before changing career in 1970. In the 1990's he got the urge again and took up home-brewing. His friends liked the beer so much, that he built a larger, professional brewery in an old pigshed. |
Bräu Dorfstrasse 36, 5430 Wettingen. Tel: Fax: Email: Founded: 2003 Annual production: Microbrewery. It´s amazing how little information you can get into a 20-page website. They don´t give their address! They appear to brew in a large saucepan. |
Ledermann Dändlikon 3, 8634 Hombrechtikon. Tel: Fax: Email: Founded: 1997 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
de Lessoc Au Village, Lessoc. Founded: 1999 ***** CLOSED 2001 ***** Annual production: Brewpub. |
Locher AG Alte Eggerstandenstrasse 1, 9050 Appenzell AI. Tel: 071 / 788 0140 Fax: 071 / 788 0150 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1886 Annual production: 48,000 hl
Independent brewery. In the Locher family for 5 generations. Has a couple of quite interesting products. |
Getränke AG Niffel, 6281 Hochdorf LU. Tel: 041 - 914 0808 Fax: 041 - 914 0888 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1963 Annual production:
Independent brewery. Concentrates on supermarket cheap own-label brands. |
Mettle-Bier Weststr. 7, 3074 Muri. Tel: 031 - 951 0181 Fax: Email: Founded: 2000 Annual production: 5 hl Nanobrewery. A tiny non-commercial brewery whose beer is not sold, only given away. |
Brauerei Wingertlistr. 56, 8405 Winterthur. Tel: 079 - 701 2541 Fax: Email: Founded: 2002 Annual production: Microbrewery. A mobile brewery that can be hired for parties. |
Brasserie du Molard Place du Molard 9, 1200 Genève (Geneva). Founded: 2003 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
H. Müller AG Dynamostrasse 8, 5401 Baden AG. Tel: 056 / 203 06 06 Fax: 056 / 203 06 99 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1897 Annual production: 70,000 hl (all drinks)
Independent brewery. In the 4th generation of the Müller family. |
Brasserie des Murailles Sàrl 48 route de Corsinge, 1252 Meinier. Tel: 079 - 348 1078 Fax: Email: Founded: 2001 Annual production: 250 hl
Microbrewery in a farm. I like the idea of an "Abbey" stout. |
Officina Della Birra Via Cademario, Bioggio. Founded: 2000 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Bier-kultur AG Öufi-Brauerei Fabrikstrasse 4, 4500 Solothurn SO. Tel: 032 / 621 49 11 Fax: 032 / 637 03 85 Email: Homepage: Founded: Annual production:
Brewpub. Brewery tap: Die Öufi-Beiz |
de l'Ours pl. centrale, 1660 Château-d'Oex. Tel: 026 - 924 2828 Fax: 026 - 924 2829 Email: Founded: 2005 Annual production: Brewpub. |
zum Papagei: Spezialitätenbrauerei am Zimmerberg Postfach 729, 8812 Horgen. Tel: 043 - 244 66 33 Fax: 043 - 244 66 33 Email: Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Microbrewery. All the beers are unfiltered. |
Osteria-Birreria della Posta Della Posta, Malvaglia. Homepage: Founded: 2001 *** CLOSED 2005 *** Annual production: Brewpub. |
Rappi Bier Factory Schönbodenstr. 3, 8640 Rapperswil. Email: Homepage: Founded: 2001 Annual production: 120 hl
Microbrewery. |
Brauerei Unter der Egg 2, 6004 Luzern. Tel: 041 - 410 52 57 Homepage: Founded: 1998 Annual production:
Brewpub. All the beers are unfiltered. |
Richie Bräu Untere Berg 19 4310 Rheinfelden AG. Homepage: Founded: 1998 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Brauerei Rosengarten AG Spitalstrasse 14, 8840 Einsiedeln. Tel: 055 / 412 39 88 Fax: 055 / 412 39 89 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1872 Annual production: 13,500 hl (1998)
Independent brewery run by the Gmür and Marty families. The only survivor of the 11 breweries that were active in the Kanton Schwyz in 1900. The brewery employs 15 people. |
AG Wagnerenstrasse 40, 3800 Matten-Interlaken BE. Tel: 033 / 826 46 56 Fax: 033 / 826 46 40 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1866 Annual production: 70,000 hl (beer, mineral water and wine)
Independent brewery. Christian Indermühle built the original brewery to serve the Hotel Interlaken. In 1892 Joseph Hofweber bought the brewery and it is still controlled descendents today. |
Bier Bristenweg 4/6, 8916 Jonen. Founded: 2002 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Birrificio Artigianale San Domenico Sentiero di Gandria 6, 6976 Castagnola. Tel: Fax: Email: Founded: 2006 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
San Peder via Giovannini 15, 6710 Biasca Tel: 091 - 862 4913 Founded: 2003 Annual production: Brewpub. |
Breitenbachstrasse 17, 4242 Laufen. Tel: 061 - 763 0348 Email: Homepage: Founded: 2001 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Scherlibräu Postfach 122, 3145 Niederscherli. Tel: 031 - 849 2046 Email: Founded: 1999 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Brauerei Schützengarten
AG St. Jakobsstrasse 37, 9004 St. Gallen SG. Tel: 071 / 243 43 43 Fax: 071 / 243 43 44 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1779 Annual production: 140,000 hl
Independent brewery, which is Switzerland's oldest. 40% of the beer is sold on draught. |
Hopfenbräu GmbH Schaffhauserstrasse 273, 8050 Zürich Örlikon. Tel: 079 - 227 2325 Fax: Email: Founded: 2003 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Bar Pub Rte du Jura 47, 1706 Fribourg. Tél: 026 - 466 8202 Fax: 026 - 466 8203 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1999 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Bräu Uferweg 5, 2560 Nidau. Tel: 032 - 331 3732 Fax: Email: Founded: 2000 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Seetaler-Bier Gmbh Kannenbühlstrasse 23, 6280 Hochdorf LU. Tel: 041 - 911 0955 Fax: 041 - 911 0955 Email: Founded: 1997 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Sierrvoise Ile Falcon, 3960 Sierre. Tel: 027 - 456 5908 Fax: Email: Founded: 1996 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Club Zone industrielle, 1844 Villeneuve. Email: Homepage: Founded: 2000 *** CLOSED 2005 *** Annual production:
Brewpub. Has the best name and address I've come across. I suspect the place is less exciting than its name. |
Steinberggasse 16, 8401 Winterthur. Email: Homepage: Founded: 2002 Annual production:
Microbrewery. Beers currently being brewed by Wädi-Brau-Huus. |
Stadthaus Marktgasse 2, Huttwil. Homepage: Founded: 2003 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Stauffacher Räbengasse 6, 6422 Steinen. Tel: 041 - 855 4089 Founded: 1997 closed March 2003 Annual production: Microbrewery. |
Strättligen Bier Bostudenstrasse 3C, 3604 Thun. Tel: 033 - 222 6836 Fax: Email: http:// Founded: 2003 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
AG Alte Landstrasse 36, Postfach 227, 9445 Rebstein SG. Tel: 071 / 775 81 11 Fax: 071 / 775 81 12 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1891 Annual production:
Independent brewery. It was built to serve Gasthaus "zur Sonne" by Eduard Graf. The brewery is currently run by the 4th generation of the Graf family. They consciously specialise in niche products. |
Sorg & Schädeli, Erusbacher Bräu Büttikerstrasse 3, 5612 Villmergen AG. Tel: 056 / 621 11 00 Fax: 056 / 621 11 01 Email: Homepage: Founded: 2000 See Erusbacher & Paul Annual production:
Microbrewery. Beers are unpasteurised. Merged in 2005 with Brew Paul to become Erusbacher & Paul Merged in 2005 with Erusbacher Bräu to become Erusbacher & Paul |
Brauerei Stadtbühl
Herisauerstrasse 49, 9200 Gossau SG. Tel: 071 / 385 35 15 Fax: 071 / 385 35 80 Email: Homepage: Founded: Annual production:
Independent brewery. Has been in the Krucker family since its founding. |
Sternen AG Hohenzornstrasse 2, 8500 Frauenfeld. Tel. 052 - 728 9909 Fax 052 - 728 9908 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1989 Annual production:
In 1865 an Ulmer brewery bought an old tannery on the edge of Frauenfeld and built a brewery on the site. Their website is unclear as to when the original brewery closed. Back & Brau built a fitted a small brewing installation into pub part of Sternen in 1989. After 1995 beer was only been fermented on site - unfermented wort is shipped from the Back & Brau Steinfels in Zürich. In 2000 it dropped the Back & Brau name and became the Brauhaus Sternen. although most of its output was still mashed in Zürich, it also started brewing a Belgian style wheat beer on a seperate small brewing kit.In 2003 it installed a large size full mash brewery, and (as far as I know) now all beers are fully produced on site. It is owned by the Actienbrauerei Frauenfeld, in whose old brewery tap it is based. Brewpub. The Actienbrauerei Frauenfeld operates from the same premises. |
Suonenbräu Dorf Str., Ausserberg. Tel: Fax: Email: http:// Founded: 2003 Annual production: Microbrewery. |
Flims Surselva AG Postfach 7018 Flims Waldhaus. Tel. 081 928 1400 Email: Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Brewpub. Opening times: Tue - Sun 11:00 - 23:30 |
Birreria Ticinese Via S. Bernardino 24, 6532 Castione. Tel: 091 - 835 8088 Founded: 2000 *** CLOSED 2005 *** Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Les Trois Dames Route de Culliairy 11, 1450 Sainte Croix. Tel: 024 - 454 4375 Fax: Email: http:// Founded: 2004 Annual production: Microbrewery. |
du Troublion Rue de la Chappelle 24, 2034 Peseux. Tel: 078 - 863 9423 Email: Homepage: Founded: 2001 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Badenerstr. 571, 8048 Zürich. Tel: 01 - 440 5414 Fax: 01 - 440 5410 Founded: 2002 Annual production:
Microbrewery. The only standalone brewery in Zürich. |
Unser Bier AG Laufenstrasse 16, 4002 Basel BS. Tel: 061 / 338 83 83 Fax: 061 / 338 83 84 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1997 Annual production: 4,000 hl
Microbrewery. They're also distilling their own whisky. The brewery tap is open on Thursday and Friday from 17:00. |
Brasserie La Vadaise Rue des Chenevieres 28, Courtetelle Founded: 2001 *** CLOSED 2001 *** Annual production: Brewpub. |
Valaisanne Rte du Rawyl 30, 1950 Sion VS. Tel: 0848 125 000 Fax: 0848 125 001 Email: info@feldschlö Founded: Annual production:
Part of Feldschlösschen Getränke AG, a subsidiary of Carlsberg (since November 2000). |
AG Florhofstrasse 13, 8820 Wädenswil. Tel: 01 / 782 66 55 Fax: 01 / 782 66 56 Email: Homepage: Founded: Annual production:
Brewpub. All the beers are unfiltered and organic. Opening times: Mon - Sat 08:30 - 00:30- Sun an public holidays 11:00 - 00:30- |
Wabräu Gurtenareal / Dorfstrasse, 3084 Wabern. Tel: 079 - 654 6173 Fax: 031 - 961 8950 Email: Founded: 2004 Annual production:
Microbrewery. Located in the former washhouse of the Gurtenbier-Brauerei, which closed in 1996. |
Weinfelden Brauereistrasse 12, 8570 Weinfelden. Tel: 071 - 622 3066 Fax: 071 - 622 7438 Email: Founded: 1864 Annual production:
Independent brewery. |
Wetzel Ziegelhüttenweg 137, 4469 Anwil. Tel: 061 - 993 0006 Fax: Email: Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Berg Bräu Dettenriederstr. 34, 8484 Weisslingen. Tel: 052 - 384 0350 Fax: 052 - 534 8350 Email: Founded: 2003 Annual production:
Microbrewery. The kit is tiny - they brew only 75 litres at a time. |
Ziegelhof Gerberstrasse 4, Postfach 505, 4410 LiestalL. Tel: 061 / 927 30 00 Fax: 061 / 927 30 01 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1850 Annual production:
Independent brewery. |