Czech Breweries
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Anheuser-Busch want to stop breweries in Budweis naming their beer after the town where it's brewed | In an epic Goliath-takes-on-David struggle, Anheuser-Busch valiantly defeated a company a mere 6,000 times smaller than it. Belgian brewery Dubuisson have been bullied out of their name "Bush", which they had only been using for 70-odd years.. |
Genuine Budweiser is brewed in Budweis. | Dudweiser: "The bully of beers". |
Introduction | ||
This page lists all the breweries currently
active in the Czech Republic and all the beers they brew. For more background information on the Czech brewing industry and Czech beer styles, look here. |
What do my scores mean? | |
< 25 | positively unpleasant |
25 - 40 | has its faults |
40-50 | OK |
50-60 | reasonably good |
60-70 | above average - definitely worth trying |
70-80 | excellent - worth hunting for |
80 > | world class - you must try it |
Restarační pivovar Balkán Na dlouhých 218, 688 16 Uherský Brod. Tel: 572 637 658 Fax: 572 637 658 Email: Homepage: http://www. Founded: 1998 Annual production: 260 hl (2005)
Brewpub. The owner worked for many years in the Janáček brewery, also in Uherský Brod. |
Benešov, s.r.o. Táborská 306, 256 43 Benešov. Tel: +420 301 - 722511 Fax: +420 301 - 726125 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1897 Annual production: 233,712 hl (1992), 125,000 hl. (2002), 108,558 hl (2003)
Independent brewery. |
pivo 5. května 1, 396 01 Humpolec. Tel: 0367 - 532407, 532469, 532511 Fax: 0367 - 532183 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1551 Annual production: 109,000 hl. (2002), 123,053 hl (2003), 127,700 hl (2004)
Independent brewery. Since 2001 Moortgat (The Belgian brewer of Duvel) has been a "strategic partner". Moortgat currently owns 50% of the shares. Privatised 1991. They have their own floor maltings in Rajhrad by Brno. Beer is unpasteurised. |
Berounský Medvěd Tyršova 135, 266 01 Beroun 2. Tel:+420 311 - 622566, 621623 Fax: +420 311 - 621623 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1998 Annual production: 350 hl. (2002), 294 hl (2003)
Microbrewery. |
pivovar, hostinec a penzion "U Bezoušků" Květnové nám. 5, 252 43 Průhonice Tel: 02 - 6775 0551 Fax: 02 - 6775 0086 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1994 Annual production: 420 hl (2005)
A family-owned brewpub. Close to the Pruhonice park, just 6 km from Prague. |
CZ, s.r.o. Žerotínova 20, 757 01 Valašské Meziříčí Tel: 731 72 82 82 Fax: 571 62 45 55 Email: Founded: 2006 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Pražské pivovary,a.s. Pivovar
Braník Údolní 212/1, 147 00 Praha 4 - Braník Tel: 02 - 4401 8111 Fax: 02 - 4446 0842 Email: Homepage: http://www. Founded: 1898 *** CLOSED early 2007 *** Annual production: 829,00 hl (2002)
Part of Staropramen (Inbev). Due to close in the first quarter of 2007 when production will be transferred to the Staropramen site. It's extremely annoying how they brew anything here except the brewery's own classic Braník 12° dark. Closing breweries then brewing their brands elsewhere is typical Inbev. As is pushing crappy Stella at the expense of superior local brands. |
Broumov Tř.Osvobození 55, 550 11 Broumov-Olivětín. Tel: +420 447 - 523 779, 523 780 Fax: +420 447 - 523 780 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1348 (1712) Annual production: 36,655 hl (1997), 16,000 hl. (2002), 12,558 hl (2003)
Independent brewery. Employs about 35 people. It was shortly after WW II by the merger of the two breweries in the town: Městský pivovar and Klášterní pivovar. It has it own maltings. |
Budvar Karoliny Světlé 4, 370 21 České Budějovice. Tel: +420 38 - 770 5111,731 1167 Fax:+420 38 - 731 1135 Email: Homepage:, Founded: 1895 Annual production: 1,112,000 hl. (2004)
Still publicly owned to stop it falling into the hands of Anheuser-Busch who have been arguing with the Czechs about the Budweiser name since time immemorial. I like the cheeky way they've called their new strong beer "Bud" - the name A-B normally use in countries where they've (deservedly) lost the trademark battle. Around 45% of their beer is exported. |
u Bulovky Bulovka 17, 180 00 Praha 8 - Libeň. Tel/fax: 284 840 650 Tel: 602 431 077 Founded: 2004 Annual production:
Brewpub that does a lot of top fermenting and brews beers which draw their origins from different parts of Europe. Seems pretty interesting. |
Černá Hora Černá Hora 3/5, 679 21 Č. Hora. Tel: +420 506 - 482411 Fax: +420 506 - 437201,437211 Email: Homepage:. Founded: 1530 Annual production: 146,662 hl (2002), 152,806 hl. (2003)
Independent brewery. Privatised in 1996. |
Chebský minipivovar Pastýřská 8, 350 02 Cheb. Tel: 354 - 435 009 Fax: Email: Homepage: http:// Founded: 2001 Annual production: 209 hl (2004)
Brewpub. |
institut, s.r.o. Pokusný minipivovar Kadaňská 2525, 438 46 Žatec. Tel: 0397 - 732111 Fax: 0397 - 732150 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1952 Annual production: A small trial brewery run by the Czech Hop Institute. It brews one-off batches of 10° and 12° to test the quality of hops. The beer seems to only be available from the brewery itself. |
s.r.o Pivovarská 107, 348 13 Chodová Planá. Tel: 0184 - 794181 Fax: 0184 - 794183 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1573 Annual production: 68,915 hl (2002), 68,168 hl (2003), 65,352 hl (2004)
Independent family brewery, privatised in 1992. Here are some production figures from the past: 1925 61,783 hl. 1960 65,000 hl 1990 185,000 hl. After nationlisation, the brewery was part of these groups: 1948-1952 Chebsko-karlovarské pivovary n.p. 1953-1954 Chebské pivovary n.p. 1955-1959 Chebsko-karlovarské pivovary n.p. 1960-1964 Plzeňské pivovary n.p. 1965-1990 Západočeské pivovary n.p. 1992 Chodovar s.r.o. |
dvůr Chýně Hojda restaurant, Hlavní 28, 253 01 Hostivice-Chýně. Tel: 0311 - 679 592 Fax: 0311 - 670075 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1992 Annual production: 260 hl (2002), 387 hl (2003)
Brewpub. Read a report of a visit to the brewery. |
Dalešice Dalešice 71, 675 54 Dalešice. Tel: 0568 - 860 942 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 2001 Annual production: 1,500 hl (2003)
Microbrewery. Postřižiny - the 1980's film based on Bohumil Hrabal's childhood - was filmed in this brewery, though where he actually grew up was Pivovar Nymburk. Personally, I've never seen a brewery copper put to better use. The brewery was bought by Anton Dreher in 1870. In the 1970's it brewed around 300,000 hl, until its closure in 1977. Brewery tap opening times: Sun - Thu: 10:00 - 22:00 Fri - Sat: 10:00 - 24:00 |
pivovar Dětenice Čp.9, 507 24 Dětenice. Tel: 493 599 142 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 2003 Annual production:
Brewpub in a castle. The castle was nationalised in 1948 and the brewery closed in 1955. In 1990 it was returned to the Řehák family. The building also contains a brewing museum. The brewery was owned in the 19th century by the Prague chapter of the Knights of Malta. The beers are brewed using directly fired vessels, are filtered through straw, fermented in open wooden vessels and lagered in oak barrels. Sounds pretty interesting, if you ask me. Opening times: Mon - Sun 11:00 - 23:00 |
Staročeský pivovárek Dobruška
Křovická 267, 518 01 Dobruška. Founded: 2004 (1870 - closed 1995) Annual production:
Microbrewery. Another brewery that's come back from the dead. In the 1960's it was brewing more than 40,000 hl. a year. |
Minipivovar U Medvídků Na Perštýne 7, 100 01 Prague 1. Tel: 2-24 21 19 16 Fax: 2-24 22 09 30 E-mail: Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Brewpub. Located in the famous Prague pub U medvídků. It sticks to very traditional methods - including lagering in oak casks for 5 to 6 weeks. The yeast used is the Pilsner Urquell strain. |
Eggenberg Latrán 27, 381 01 Český Krumlov. Tel: 038 - 0711426 Fax: 038 - 0711225 Email:, Homepage: Founded: 1570 Annual production: 61,000 hl (2001), 47,000 hl (2002), 39,000 hl (2003), 45,565 hl (2004)
Independent brewery. Owned by the Austrian brewery Schloss Eggenberg (the brewer of Samichlaus). Produced 130,000 hl in 1994. |
pivovar & hotel Excelent Pivovarská 10, 759 01 Rýmařov. Tel: 0647 - 211777 Fax: 0647 - 211777 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1995 Annual production: 450 hl (2004)
Brewpub and hotel in a building which was used for brewing as far back as 1662. I suspect there was then around a 300 year gap, before this lot started up. Seems to be brewing again after a break in 2005. |
Mikropivovar J.Fencla č.p.169, 270 53 Krušovice. Founded: 2004 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
hanácký domácí pivovar U krále Ječmínka Újezd 4a, 796 01 Prostějov. Tel: 0508 - 26401 Fax: 0508 - 21084 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1999 Annual production: 540 hl (2005)
Brewpub. |
![]() Křemencova 11, 110 00 Praha 1. Tel: 02 - 24915118 Fax: 02 - 24920692 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1499 Annual production: 2,200 hl (2005)
Brewpub. The idiots who run the pub have managed to almost totally ruin it, but the beer is still magnificent. The only beer is a dark, strong lager that is one of the best in the world. Only the Czechs and Franconians can brew lager like this. |
Frýdek-Místek Pionýrů 839, 738 01 Frýdek - Místek Tel.: 558 641 179 Fax: 558 642 179 Email: Founded: 2004 Annual production:
Microbrewery. The main business of the company seems to be distilling. |
Prazdroj, a.s. Pivovar Gambrinus U Prazdroje 7, 304 97 Plzeň. Tel: 019 - 7061111 Fax: 019 - 7220159 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1869 Annual production: (see Prazdroj)
A subsidiary of Plzeňský Prazdroj (owned by SABMiller). Also own Radegast and Velke Popovice. It's a matter of philosophical debate as to whether Prazdroj and Gambrinus count as separate breweries - the sites are "adjacent" and under common ownership.
Harrachov Nový Svět 95, 512 46 Harrachov v Krkonoších. Tel: 0481 528 141 Fax: 0481 528 148 Email: Homepage: Founded: 2002 Annual production: 5,000 hl (capacity)
Brewpub in a glassworks. Owned by "Sklárna a minipivovar Novosad & syn Harrachov s.r.o.". During the day, the brewpub is open for visitors to the glassworks. After 17:00 it's open to the general public. |
pivovar Havlíčkův Brod Dobrovského 2027 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod. Tel: 569 495 111 Fax: 569 428 675 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1834 Annual production: 167,000 hl. (2000), 149,000 hl (2001), 131,000 hl (2002), 108,000 hl (2003)
Independent brewery. In 1995 it was returned to 17 original owners. In 1834 a group of citizens with brewing rights bought a small mansion with a its own brewery. They used it for their comunal brewing, expanding and rebuilding it until it was a modern commercial brewery. This brewery took over the beers from the Svitavy brewery when that it closed in 2002. |
Pivovar Herold Březnice Pošt. př. 13, 262 72 Březnice. Tel: +420 306 - 682047 Fax: +420 306 - 682546 Email: Homepage: http://www. Founded: 1506 Annual production: 20,182 hl (2002), 13,824 hl (2003)
Independent brewery. |
Hlučínský Pivovar v.o.s Podle zdi 148, 748 01 Hlučín. Tel: 0595 - 042 165 Fax: 0595 - 042 165 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1993 Annual production: 1,500 hl. (2002)
Microbrewery brewing well under its 10,000 hl capacity. |
Holba Pivovarská 261, 788 33 Hanušovic. Tel: 0649 - 231 317 Fax: 0649 - 231 276 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1874 Annual production: 349,192 hl (1993), 360,000 hl (1999), 433,000 hl. (2002)
Independent brewery, the 10th largest (according to them) in the Czech Republic. These are some of the brewery's name changes over the years:
Owned by PMS a.s. Přerov along with Pivovar Zubr and Pivovar Litovel. |
Hostan Hradní 2, 669 28 Znojmo. Tel: 515 226 651 Fax: 515 223 041 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1720 Annual production: 196,586 hl (2004)
Owned by the Austrian group BBAG, now part of Heineken. In a town famous for its gherkins. The bottled Hoston beers are brewed at Starobrno. |
Hukvaldy Restaurace U Zastávky, Dolní Sklenov 33, 739 46 Hukvaldy. Tel: 721 525074 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 2004 Annual production: 50 hl.
Brewpub. The kit came from U Čápů, a brewpub in nearby Žaben which closed in 2003. The beer iis fermented in open vessels. Opening times: Mon - Thur 10:00 - 22:00, Fri 10:00 - 24:00, Sat 10:00 - 23:00, Sun 10:00 - 21:00 |
a hostinec U Hušků Běleč nad Orlicí 2, 503 46 Třebechovice pod Orebem. Tel: 049 - 5593738 Fax: 049 - 5593738 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1993 (brewing stopped in 2000 but restarted in 2001) Annual production: 118 hl.
Brewpub. Opening times: Mon-Thur: 16:00 - 21:00 Fri: 15:00 - 22:00 Sat: 14:00 - 22:00 Sun: 14:00 - 21:00 |
Janáček Neradice 369, 688 16 Uherský Brod Tel: 572 632 461 Fax: 572 632 266 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1894 Annual production: 63,437 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. It's only producing about half what it was in the early 1990's. The brewery has suffered badly from the loss of its market in Slovakia. |
Jiří Jelínek Sentice 13, 666 03 Tišnov. Tel: 0549 416117 Fax: 0549 416117 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1998 Annual production: 550 hl (2004)
Microbrewery. |
a hotel "U Jezírka" Masarykova 44, 460 01 Liberec. Tel: 048 - 2710407 Fax: 048 - 2710254 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1995 ***** CLOSED 2003 ***** Annual production: 300 hl.
Brewpub that also supplies a few other outlets. Supposedly the smallest brewery in the Czech Republic. Vendelín is currently brewed elsewhere in Liberec. |
a sodovkárna Jihlava, a.s. Vrchlického 2, 586 01 Jihlava. Tel: 567 - 564 111 Fax: 567 - 310 090 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1860 Annual production: 85,850 hl (2002), 87,426 hl (2003)
Indpendent brewery. Yet another Czech brewery captivated by conical fermenters. The brewery was built in 1860 for the Jihlava Maltsters Guild, to replace a number of smaller breweries. It was privatised in 1995. Like many Czech breweries, it still has its owm maltings. |
Pivovar Kácov V Podskalí 6, 285 09 Kácov. Tel: 0328 - 494693 Fax: Email: Homepage: http:// Founded: 1995 Annual production: 2,600 hl (2002), 4,050 hl (2003), 5,000 hl (2004)
Microbrewery in the premises of a brewery that closed in 1957. |
Pivovar Klášter, a.s.
294 15 Klášter Hradiště nad Jizerou Tel: 0326 - 771 421 Fax: 0326 - 771 226 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1570 (1864) Annual production: 120,000 hl. (1999), 76,778 hl (2003), 75,000 hl (2004)
Beer is unpasteurised. The beer is still lagered in 18 m deep cellars dating from 1570.
Independent brewery. |
restaurace a pivovar Strahovské nádvoří 302/10, 118 00 Praha 1. Tel: 02 - 2051 6671 Fax: 02 - 3335 5690 Email: Homepage: Founded: 2001 Annual production: 450 hl (2005)
Brewpub. Located in a former monastery close to Prague Castle. |
Minipivovar Koníček Vojkovice Vojkovice 10, 739 51 Vojkovice. Tel: 558 651 172 Founded: 2006 Annual production:
Brewpub |
Minipivovar Kopřivnice Štramberská 486, Kopřivnice. Tel: Fax: Email: Homepage: http:// Founded: 2004 Annual production: 500 hl (capacity)
Microbrewery. |
Korunní pivovar Lidická 59/15, 412 01 Litoměřice. Tel: 0416 - 732141-2 Fax: 0416 - 732140 Email: Homepage: http://www. Founded: 1720 Annual production: 140,000 hl (1992) Closed November 2002 |
Křižíkova 486, 541 01 Trutnov. Tel: 499 840 114 Fax: 499 811 265 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1582 Annual production: 108,126 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. The maltings burnt down in 1969 and have never been replaced. Another enterprise which started life as a communal brewery for the citizens with brewing rights. |
Krásné Březno Drážďanská 80, 401 73 Ústí nad Labem. Tel: 472 703 111 Fax: 475 503 045 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1867 Annual production: 293,565 hl (2004)
Part of Drinks Union (Heineken). Drinks Union : 800,000 hl (2002 export: 99,500 hl), 708,000 hl (2003 export: 180,000 hl) Has 4 breweries -Velké Březno, Krásné Březno, Louny and Kutna Hora. The major shareholders are "Pivovary a sodovkárny Brno" and "Ústecké pivovary". |
pivovar Krušovice, a.s. 270 53 Krušovice. Tel: 0313 - 569111, 564431-5 Fax: 0313 - 564426 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1581 Annual production: 700,000 hl.(2002), 675,061 hl (2003), 690,386 hl (2004)
Owned by Binding (now part of the Radeberger-Gruppe) between 1994 and June 2007, when it was purchased by by Heineken. One of the first Czech breweries to ruin their beers by switching to conical fermenters and top pressure. They seem perversely proud of the fact. The old 12° ležák was one of the classic Czech pale lagers. |
Kutná Hora U Lorce 11, 284 15 Kutná Hora. Tel: 327 - 513801-3 Fax: 327 - 514103 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1573 Annual production: 229,000 hl (1992), 90,000 hl (2003)
Since 2002 owned by Drinks Union (Heineken). |
Knížecí pivovar,a.s. Lanškroun Pivovarská 160, pošt.př. 53, 563 01 Lanškroun. Tel: 604 - 445075 Fax: 604 - 523473 Email: Homepage: http://www. Founded: 1700 Annual production: CLOSED IN 2002 |
dvůr Lipan a penzion Dražíč Dražíč 50, 375 01 Týn nad Vltavou. Tel: 382 588 828 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 1998 Annual production: 250 hl. (2003)
Brewpub. The young brewer certainly knows what he's doing. Their dark lager is fantastic. So good that I never got around to tasting the pale one. |
První Soukromý Pivovar Společenský
v Lipníku ulice 28. ríjna 20/6, 751 31 Lipník nad Bečvou. Tel.: Email: Founded: 2004 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Litovel Palackého 934 784 05 Litovel. Tel: 068 - 5493111 Fax: 068 - 5441365 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1893 Annual production: 340,000 hl.(1994), 214,000 hl (2002), 235,000 hl (2004)
Independent brewery. Privatised in 1994. In 1996 became part of Moravskoslezské pivovary Přerov a.s.,which was renamed PMS a.s. Přerov in 2000. In 1999 the group's brewery in Olomouc was closed. The group also runs Pivovar Holba and Pivovar Zubr. The beers called "Pí-pivo" are brewed with something called "Bio Control Systém". Don't ask me what it really means. Reading the brewer's description of it left me none the wiser (and not just because of my dodgy Czech language skills). Here's the brewery's production over time:
pivovar Vysoký Chlumec Vysoký Chlumec, 262 52 Vysoký Chlumec. Tel: 318 401 311 Fax: 318 401 312 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1466 Annual production: 109,616 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. It was returned to the Lobkowicz family in 1992. They had owned the brewery from 1576 until its nationalisation in 1948. After a shaky period in 2002, when only 34,000 hl were brewed, their sales seem to have picked up well.. |
Louny Říční 633, 440 85 Louny. Tel: 415 629 222 Fax: 415 652 993 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1892 Annual production: 251,000 hl (2001: export 24,000 hl), 229,000 hl (2002: 124,000 + 105,000 after joining Drinks Union), 327,264 hl (2003), 290,599 hl (2004: export 60,000 hl)
Part of Drinks Union (Heineken) since 2002.. Some brands were transferred to the Krásné Březno brewery in 2003. |
Medlešice Medlešice č. 2, 538 31 Medlešice. Tel: 469 688 884 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 2000 Annual production: 300 hl
Brewpub. Owned and run by Adolf Zeman, who qualified as a brewer in Prague and subsequently worked all over the world. His family had run a brewery in Medlešice before WW II. The beers are supposedly to the old family recipe. Opening times: Tue-Thu 14:00-21:30, Fri-Sat 14:00-23:00, Sun 14:00-21:30 |
Měšťanský Pivovar Lidická 458/51, 37054 České Budějovice,. Tel: +420 38 - 770 8210, 670 8201,670 8217 Fax: +420 38 - 635 3677 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1795 Annual production: 420,652 hl. (1997) 210,000 hl (2003), 198,000 hl (2004)
Independent brewery. Privatised in 1992. In 1894 it's official name was "Die Budweiser Bräuberechtigten - Bürgerliches Bräuhaus - Gegründet 1795 - Budweis /Budějovičtí právovárečníci - Měšťanský pivovar - založen 1795 - Budějovice". It was, in 1802, the first brewery to use the term "Budweiser Bier". A new modern brewery was built around 1850. Beer was first exported to the USA in 1875. In 1882 it registered the name "�Budweiser Export-Lager-Bier" and in 1899 the name "Budweiser Bürgerbräu". As can be seen by its various brand names, it's the third (and, sadly, a very distant one) brewery in the queue for the Budweiser name. Even though the Měšťanský pivovar has the best claim of the three, being easily the oldest brewery. I still can't help thinking that it's not that unreasonable to call your beer Budweiser if you're brewing in a town called Budweis. Now why can't A-B give their beer an honest name, like St.Louiser? |
a restaurant Modrá Hvězda Náměstí T.G.Masaryka 159, 334 41 Dobřany. Tel: 019 - 797 3770 Fax: 019 - 797 2567 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1998 Annual production: 210 hl. (2002)
Brewpub. Opening times: Mon-Thu: 10:00-23:00; Fri: 10:00-24:00; Sat: 11:00-24:00; Sun: 11:00-23:00 |
Minipivovar Moritz Nešverova 2, Olomouc. Tel.: 602 775 670 Email: Founded: 2006 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Náchod Dobrošovská 130, 547 40 Náchod. Tel: 0491 407111 Fax: 0491 - 407271 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1872 Annual production: 135,000 hl. (2002), 141,000 hl (2003, export 8,783 hl), 144,000 hl (2004, export 9,538 hl)
Independent brewery whose biggest shareholder is the town of Náchod. Very appropriate, as it started life as a citizen's brewery: that is a communal operation for those in the town with brewing rights. It claims to be one of the most modern breweries in the Czech Republic. I suppose that means it's packed with conical fermenters (it turns out they actually still have open fermenters). Still, they brew in a wide range of styles and strengths. |
pivovar Nová Paka, a.s. Pivovarská 400, 509 01 Nová Paka. Tel: 0493 - 727 031 Fax: 0493 - 721 100 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1872 Annual production: 65,000 hl. (1999), 91,000 hl (2001: export 41,000 hl), 71,537 hl (2002: export 25,000 hl), 47,730 hl (2003: export 14,000 hl), 45,966 hl (2004: export 14,750 hl)
Independent brewery. It was twice scheduled to close in the 1980's. |
pivovar Vodičkova 20, 110 00 Praha 1. Tel: 02 - 22232448 Fax: 02 - 22231662 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1993 Annual production: 1200 hl (2002), 1500 hl (2005)
Brewpub. Prague's first new brewery for around a century. They use open fermenters, which are getting to be something of a rarity in the Czech Republic. Their beers are consistent, if slightly unadventurous. Although the full 3,000 hl annual capacity has not yet been utilised, they have managed to survive more than a decade and are one of the oldest of the new generation of Czech breweries. |
Nymburk Pražská 581, 288 25 Nymburk. Tel: 325 517 200 Fax: 325 512 077 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1895 Annual production: 149,000 hl.(2002), 150,000 hl (2003), 150,000 hl (2004) 150,000 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. Bohumil Hrabal - one of the greatest writers of the 20th century - spent his childhood living in the brewery with his parents. He later wrote a book - Postřižiny - based on his experiences. Though the film used Pivovar Dalešice as a backdrop. |
pivovar Oslavany Zámek 1, 664 12 Oslavany. Tel: 6027 39122 Fax: 5464 25460 Email: Homepage: Founded: 2003 Annual production: 5,000 hl (capacity), 900 hl (2005)
Brewpub in a castle. Read a report of a visit to the brewery. There was a brewery on the site between 1623 and 1863. |
pivovary,a.s. Pivovar Ostravar Hornopolní 57, 728 25 Ostrava 1. Tel: 596 650 111 Fax: 069 - 6650301 Email: Homepage:, Founded: 1897 Annual production: 475,000 hl (2001)
A subsidiary of Staropramen (Inbev). The company's time under Bass ownership seems to have had some odd cross-cultural effects. Though, I'm not sure that widgets and mixed gas pressure are necessarily desirable innovations. |
Pardubice, a.s. Palackého 250, 530 33 Pardubice. Tel: 040 - 651 2828 Fax: 040 - 651 2421 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1871 Annual production: 89,460 hl. (2005)
Independent brewery. |
Hostinský Pivovar Jakubské nám. 4, 602 00 Brno. Tel: 542 210 104 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 1992 Annual production: 2,400 hl. (2005)
Brewpub. |
Bašta Horská 198, 543 02 Vrchlabí. Tel: 499 421 272 Fax: 499 421 359 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1995 Annual production: 840 hl (2005)
Brewpub. Also a hotel. Uses open fermenters. |
a pivovar Pivovarský dům Lípová 15, 120 00 Praha 2. Tel: 296 216 666 Fax: 224 921 256 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1998 Annual production: 700 hl (2004), 900 hl (2005)
Brewpub. I wonder about some of their more exotic products, but at least they have a sense of adventure. Their straightforward pale and dark lagers are both pretty good. Opening hours: Mon-Sun: 11:00 - 23:30 |
pivovar Platan s.r.o. Pivovarská 168, 389 12 Protivín. Tel: 0362 - 733111 Fax: 0362 - 851855 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1598 Annual production: 383,450 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. A broken pasteuriser was the cause of the dip in production after 2000. |
Poutník Pivovarská 856, 393 01 Pelhřimov. Tel: 0366 - 323231 Fax: 0366 - 21457 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1552 (1900) Annual production: 25,000 hl. (2005)
Independent brewery. Privatised from Pivovary s.p. České Budějovice in 2001 bought by Družstvo Pelhřimov, an investment club. Formerly "Měšťanský pivovar v Pelhřimově" (owned by citizens with brewing rights) which was nationalised in 1948. It seems those locals who are the heirs to the brewing rihts weren't too happy when the brewery was privatised and not returned to them. They have challenged the legality of the privatisation. |
Prazdroj U Prazdroje 7, 304 97 Plzeň. Tel: 019 - 7061111 Fax: 019 - 7220159 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1842 Annual production: 5,049,000 hl (2004 including Gambrinus)
A subsidiary of Plzeňský Prazdroj (owned by SABMiller). Radegast and Velke Popovice are under the same ownership.. It's a matter of philosophical debate as to whether Prazdroj and Gambrinus count as separate breweries - the sites are "adjacent" and under common ownership.
Beer production has increased so much in recent years that it's no wonder Prazdroj had to get rid of its oak lagering casks.. |
Podkováň Podkováň 24, 293 01 Podkováň. Tel: 0326 - 356222 Fax: 0326 - 356229 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1434 ***** CLOSED 2007 ***** Annual production: 25,000 hl. (2005)
Independent brewery.***** CLOSED 2007 ***** |
pivovar v Poličce, a.s. Pivovarská 151, 572 14 Polička. Tel: 0461 - 725 575 Fax: 0461 -724 601 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1517 Annual production: 85,000 hl. (2005)
Independent brewery. In 1517 the owners of 113 houses within the town limits were granted brewing rights. The heirs of these lucky citizens owned the brewery until its nationalisation in 1948. |
Minipivovar Příbor
U Brány 106, 742 58 Příbor. Tel: 608 345 508 Founded: 2005 Annual production:
Microbrewery. They also brew various seasonal beers. |
Radegast Nošovice, 739 51 Nošovice. Tel: 558 602 175 Fax: 558 602 500 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1970 Annual production: 2,155,000 hl (2002)
October 1999 merged with Prazdroj. Part of SABMiller. SABMiller also owns the Velký Šariš brewery in Slovakia.. It was the first new brewery to be founded in Czechoslovakia since 1913. Named after Slav god of friendship. A large modern brewery built by the communists. Personally, I never cared for their beers very much. Obviously the caring, sharing capitalists at SABMiller will be more committed to quality and tradition than those nasty bolshies were. In typical globalist fashion, they also brew beers from their other (more prestigious) breweries in this factory. Why should we worry - didn't the head of A-B reassure us that you can brew any beer anywhere in the world? It doesn't exactly help the Czechs' claim to the Budweiser name when their breweries get up to this sort of shit. It's one of my main reservations about large companies: you're never quite sure where any particular beer has been brewed (unless the law forces them to tell you). |
Brewery - Rakovník Havlíčkova 69, 269 01 Rakovník Tel: 0313 - 512314 Fax: 0313 - 512020 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1454 (closed 1997, reopened 2004) Annual production: 4,227 hl (2005)
A brewery that has been through several owners, most of whom have gone bankrupt. A planned renovation seems, finally, to have been completed. |
Milana Rambouska Velké náměstí, Hradec Králové. Tel: 049 5515667 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 2002 Annual production: 200 hl
Microbrewery. |
Regent Trocnovské nám. 124, 379 14 Třeboň. Tel: 384 721 319, 384 721 320 Fax: 384 721 321 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1379 (1712) Annual production: 81,439 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. Seems to have had some problems in recent years - in 1997 it brewed 360,000 hl. Privatised in 1992 as part of the Jihočeské Pivovary group. In 1999 it was sold by the group and became an independent company. |
Minipivovar U Richarda Ríšova 12, Brno-Žebětín. Tel: 564 217715 Founded: 2004 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Malý Rohozec Malý Rohozec 29, 511 01 Turnov. Tel: 481 321 219 Fax: 481 323 916 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1850 Annual production: 30,000 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. Owned by Pivovar Svijany. |
Roztoky Hotel Roztoky, 270 23 Roztoky u Křivoklátu. Tel: 0420 - 313 558 931 Fax: 0420 - 313 558 933 Email: Homepage: Founded: 2003 Annual production: Brewpub. Doesn't seem to have managed to brew yet. |
Rychtář Resslova 260, 539 01 Hlinsko v Čechách. Tel: 0469 - 311728 Fax: 0469 - 311383 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1913 Annual production: 86,000 hl. (2002), 86,864 hl (2003)
After this, in 1913, the next brewery to be founded in the Czech Republic was Radegast in 1971. When the brewery was privatised in 1996 it was bought by IMEX Premium spol. s r.o, a giant Czech investment company. |
Minipivovar U rytíře Lochoty Karlovarská třída 103, 323 17 Plzeň. Tel: 377 540 946 Fax: Email: Homepage: http://www. Founded: 2001 Annual production: 250 hl (2002)
Brewpub. |
Sezemice Sezemice 35, 294 11 Loukov. Tel: 0326 - 789204 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 1999 Annual production: 100 hl (2005)
Microbrewery. |
Sousedský pivovar v Miletíně nám. K.J.Erbena 98, 507 71 Miletín. Tel: 0435 - 693419 Fax: Email: Homepage: http://www. Founded: 1997 Annual production: 350 hl.
Brewpub owned and run by Svatopluk Ďupal. |
a.s Hlinky 12, 661 47 Brno Tel: +420 5 - 435 16111 Fax: +420 5 - 432 11035 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1872 Annual production: 611,099 hl.(2003), 634,657 hl (2004)
Owned by the Austrian group BBAG (now part of Heineken) since 1994. |
pivovary,a.s. Pivovar Staropramen Nádražní 84, 150 54 Praha 5 - Smíchov. Tel: 02 - 5719 1111 Fax: 02 - 5719 1288 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1869 Annual production: 1,367,424 hl (2004)
Owned by Inbev, after having had a spell under Bass. Never my favourite in the old days, even though you found their beer all over. The name means "Old Spring". Staropramen 10° is also brewed at the company's Ostravar brewery. (So na, na, na, na-na to the lumphead on the Oxford Bottled Beer Database site who insisted all Storpramen beer was brewed in Smíchov and nowhere else. Look, the brewery is owned by some of the worst globalists - they'll brew any brand anywhere it suits them.) |
Pivovar Strakonice Podskalského 324, 386 19 Strakonice. Tel: 383 - 321789 Fax: 383 - 324655 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1649 (1873) Annual production: 72,717 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. One of the last breweries to be privatised, being sold to the town of Strakonice in 2004. Another brewery producing far less than 10 years ago (in 1995 it brewed 195,000 hl). |
pivovar Štramberk Náměstí č. 5, 742 66 Štramberk Tel./fax: 556 813 710, 724 356 285 Email: Founded: 2005 Annual production: 600 hl (2005)
Brewpub. Opening times: Sun-Thur 10:00 - 22:00, Fri-Sat 10:00 - 24:00 |
Svatováclavský pivovar Olomouc Riegrova 22, 779 00 Olomouc. Tel: 585 203 641 Founded: 2006 Annual production:
Microbrewery. |
Svatý Ján U Cihelny 755, 280 02 Kolín. Tel: 032 - 1728155 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 1996 Annual production: Microbrewery. From the photos on their website, a tiny brewery, not much bigger than a homebrew kit. |
U Šviháka, Minipivovar Kunc Národní tř. 10 Hodonín. Tel: 518 343 446 Fax: Email: Homepage: http://www. Founded: 1994 Annual production: 1,000 hl (2002), 950 hl (2004)
Brewpub. Opening Times: Mon-Thu 9:00 - 22:00 Fri-Sat 9:00 - 23:30 Sun 11:00 - 20:00 |
Svijany Svijany č.p.25, 463 46 Příšovice, 463 46 Svijany. Tel: 485 177 141 Fax: 482 728 200 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1564 Annual production: 205,007 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. Seems to be doing quite well, unlike many Czech regional breweries. In 1998 it only brewed around 35,000 hl. It also owns Pivovar Malý Rohozec. |
a sodovkárna Svitavy Pivovarská 1, 568 02 Svitavy. Tel: 0461 - 541190 Fax: 0461 - 530953 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1256 (1882) CLOSED IN 2002 AND BEERS MOVED TO Havlíčkův Brod Annual production: 83,000 hl (2000)
Independent brewery. Owned since 1998 by Českomoravská kapitálová a.s. Conical fermenters were installed in 1989. The DoktoR range of beers contain Diavital, something that is supposed to lower blood cholesterol levels. Don't believe a word of it. myself. |
Minipivovar Urban Masarykova 85, 439 42 Postoloprty. Tel: 0397 - 623047 Fax: 0397 - 548483 Email: Homepage: http://www. Founded: 1999 **** CLOSED 2001 **** Annual production: 1,000 hl
Brewpub. |
minipivovar "Valášek" Dolní Jasenka 169, 755 01 Vsetín. Tel: 571 459 169 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 2002 Annual production: 800 hl (2005)
Brewpub. Some pubs sell filtered versions of the beers. Opening times: Mon-Thur 10:30 - 22:00 Fri 10:30 - 24:00 Sat 10:30 - 23:00 Sunday closed |
Minipivovar Valašský Beran Dostihová 616, 763 15 Slušovice Tel: 067 - 981555 Fax: 067 - 981555 Email: Homepage: http://www. Founded: 1998 **** CLOSED 2002 **** Annual production: 400 hl
Brewpub. |
Minipivovar Vaněk Štramberská 486, Kopřivnice. Tel.: Email: Founded: 2004 Annual production: 700 hl (2004, capacity)
Microbrewery run by a father and son. |
Forman Velichov 84, 363 01 Velichov Founded: 2006 Annual production:
Brewpub. |
Velké Březno Pivovarská 116, 403 23 Velké Březno. Tel: 475 309 111 Fax: 475 309 117 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1753 Annual production: 293,565 hl (2004)
Part of Drinks Union (Heineken). |
pivovar Velké Meziříčí Třebíčská 342 /10, 594 01 Velké Meziříčí. Tel.: 566 502 200 Fax: 566 502 206 Email: Founded: 2004 Annual production: 900 hl (2005)
Brewpub in a hotel. |
Velké Popovice Ringhofferova 1, 251 69 Velké Popovice. Tel: 323 683 111 Fax: 323 665 309 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1874 Annual production: 1,242,528 hl (2004)
Privatised in 1992, taken over by Radegast in 1995. In March 1999 Radegast merged with Pilsner Urquell, then in October 1999 the new company was bought up by SAB. A brewery which used to brew oustanding beer, before the introduction of conical fermenters in th early 1990's. Around 200,000 hl of Kozel is brewed each year in SABMiller's Slovakian brewery, Pivovar Šariš. |
Vratislavice nad Nisou Tanvaldská 163, 463 11 Vratislavice nad Nisou. Tel: 485 393 122 Fax: 485 393 228 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1872 (2000) Annual production: 48,800 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. Closed by Pražské Pivovary in 1998. It was bought by Hols in 1999 and restarted brewing in 2000, though on a much smaller scale. |
Vyškov (Jihomoravské pivovary) Čsl. armády 116/4, 682 11 Vyškov. Tel: 517 326 411 Fax: 517 348 628 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1680 Annual production: 55,000 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. It seems to be the rump of the old Communist-era South Moravian brewing group, which used to include Starobrno and Černá Hora. One of the few breweries that is still state-owned. They brew an interesting variety of bottom-fermenting styles. |
Zlatovar, a.s. Pivovarská 6, 764 01 Opava. Tel: 553 606 611 Fax: 553 622 777 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1825 ***** CLOSED 2005 ***** Annual production: 60,000 hl (2004)
Independent brewery. It still uses open fermenters and horizontal lagering tanks. The brewery closed for refurbishment in 2005, supposedly for eight months. In the meantime, draught beer is being brewed at Pivovar Litovel and bottled beer at Zubr in Přerov. |
Zubr Komenského 35, 750 51 Přerov Tel: 0641 - 270111 Fax: 0641 - 202264 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1872 Annual production: 287,000 hl (2005)
Owned by PMS a.s. Přerov along with Pivovar Holba and Pivovar Litovel. |
dvůr Zvíkov Zvíkovské Podhradí 92, 398 18 Záhoří u Písku. Tel: 382 285 660 Fax: 382 285 722 Email: Homepage: Founded: 1994 Annual production: 278 hl (2005)
Brewpub. Brews an interesting mixture of top- and bottom-fermented beers. Opening times: Mon - Sun 11:00 - 23:00 |
Žamberk Havlenova 10 564 01 Žamberk. Tel: 465 611 918 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 1997 Annual production: 560 hl (2005)
Microbrewery in former bus company buildings. Owned by Intero Chmelan, a company selling microbrewing equipment, who use it as a demonstration plant. "Žamberecký kanec" means "Žamberk boar". |
pivovar Žižkovo náměstí 81, 438 01 Žatec. Tel: 415 710 781 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 1801 Annual production: 27,416 hl (2005)
Independent brewery. Owned by Kordoni Holdings Limited of Nicosia, Cyprus. In 1997 the brewery produced 65,000 hl. |
pivovar Želiv Želiv 1, 394 44 Želiv. Tel: 565 581 074 Fax: Email: Homepage: Founded: 2003 Annual production:
Microbrewery. In a working monastery and run by monks. They appear - at least if their website is anything to go by - to have been inspired by the Trappist breweries of the Low Countries. |
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