Dutch Pub Guide |
Noord Holland - beer bars, pubs and brewpubs |
Introduction | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This page lists beer pubs in the Dutch province
of Noord Holland. Home to windmills, Amsterdam and me. |
Index Alkmaar Amstelveen Amsterdam Enkhuizen Haarlem Hilversum Hoorn Oudendijk Purmerend Texel Uithoorn Wormer Zaandijk Zandvoort Drenthe Flevoland Friesland Gelderland Groningen Limburg Noord Brabant Noord Holland Overijssel Utrecht Zeeland Zuid Holland |
in Noord Holland
For more about Dutch breweries & beers: | |
Dutch breweries | Every Dutch brewery and every Duch beer. |
Dutch beer tasting notes | Detailed tasting notes for many Dutch beers. |
Dutch Brewing Industry | Background information, statistics and history. |
Drinking in Holland | Information you should know. |
Map Index | ||
Dutch Pub Guide |
Alkmaar |
Biermuseum De Boom | |
Houttil 1, 1811 JL Alkmaar. Tel: 072 - 511 3801 info@biermuseum.nl http://www.biermuseum.nl/ |
Opening hours: Tue - Fri 13:00 - 17.00, Sat 13:00 - 16.00, Sunday and Monday closed |
Number of draught beers: n/a | |
Number of bottled beers: n/a | |
Regular draught beers: n/a | |
Food: none. | |
I was quite with Alkmaar's Biermuseum. It's not enormous,
but the staff are knowledgeable, enthusiastic and extremely friendly. The
collection includes some amusing old adverts (see below) and interesting
books. Between 1650 and 1750 De Boom was Alkmaar's largest brewery. It was disused for many years before being converted into a museum with the support of the Centraal Brouwerij Kantoor, the Dutch brewers' organisation. I'm a magpie when it comes to beer information. My day is made when I unearth a few new statistics. My joy was undbounded at the bucketload I acquired here. They even let me copy a chapter from one of their books. They deserve your support. |
Rating: ***** | Public transport: |
Proeflokaal De Boom | |
Houttil 1, 1811 JL Alkmaar. Tel.: 072 - 511 5547 E-mail: info@proeflokaaldeboom.nl http://www.proeflokaaldeboom.nl/ |
Opening hours: Sun - Thur 12:00 - 24:00, Fri - Sat 12:00 - 02:00 |
Number of draught beers: 8 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-20 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks €3-9. Pils €1.70, Duvel €2.90. | |
The single room runs the whole width of the builing. As it's in the basement, thias means that the rear windows give you a great view of shoppers' ankles. It would have driven Victorian men into a frenzy. No surprise that it's stuffed full of Dutch beer memorabilia, including an impressive bottle collection rather daringly (or is that recklessly?) displayed at elbow height along the top of the bench seating. Once you get used to the mustard-yellow colour scheme, it's actually quite sweet. . The bottled selection is small, but almost perfectly formed. There's the full set of Ij brewery beers and most Trappists. The draught beers are very reasonably priced, with the most expensive only €2.90. ABT member. |
Rating: **** | Public transport: |
Kooltuintje | |
Kooltuin 11, Alkmaar. Tel.: 072 - 515 9555 http://www.kooltuintje.nl/ |
Opening hours: Mon - Thur 12:00 - 02:00, Fri 11:00 - 02:00, Sat 12:00 - 03:00, Sun 14:00 - 02:00 |
Number of draught beers: 3 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-20 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks. Duvel €2.50, pils €1.60-3.50. | |
The barman was fiddling with some - I have to be frank here - jerry-rigged wiring, which had just blown the fuses. In about the time it took to order my Westmalle, the lights were back on. But before I was even half way through it another light above the bar went pop and the gloom returned. Just as well I was sitting by the window. If I'm vague as to the precise topography of Kooltuintje, perhaps you'll understand why. From what I could make out in the murk, it's long, thin and has a pool table at the back. It has the casual and slightly down-at-heel look of a squatters cafe. Like the Korsakoff on a good day. All the fuss with the lighting didn't dampen the spirits of the staff and customers. Quite the opposite, They seemed to find it all very amusing. Thinking of fire safety, I was pleased that I had chosen a seat next to the entrance. |
Rating: *** | Public transport: |
A. M. Maguire | |
Kanaalkade 77, 1811 LT Alkmaar. Tel: 072 - 5150292 |
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 12:00 -02:00 | |
Number of draught beers: 6 | |
Number of bottled beers: 6 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks. | |
I also like the "Murphy's from the wood, that's good" sign by the door. Just a shame you can't get it inside. There's not much I can say about the inside. There's nothing that makes it particularly Irish, except for the draught beers. My son hated it because: a) there was a dog running loose; b) it was very smoky. So if you too have issues with either of those, you have been warned. |
Rating: * | Public transport: |
De Notaris | |
Houttil 18, 1811 JM Alkmaar. Tel.: 072 - 520 7608 Fax: 072 - 520 7609 Email: info@denotarisbv.nl http://www.denotarisbv.nl/> |
Opening hours: Mon - Sun 10:00 - 02:00 | |
Number of draught beers: 4 | |
Number of bottled beers: 10 | |
Regular draught beers: |
Food: Snacks €3-8, meals €10-20. Duvel €2.30, pils €1.90. | |
To hammer home the point, the chairs are painted in lurid primary colours that wouldn't look out of place in a prmary school.. If you want to retain your stomach contents, make thist the first call on your pub crawl of Alkmaar. Then there are the customers. Yuppies you would love to shake something more threatening than a stick at. And they were playing really crappy music. |
Rating: * | Public transport: |
Odeon | |
Hekelstraat 19, 1811 BL Alkmaar. maud.en.roel@cafe-odeon.nl http://www.cafe-odeon.nl/ |
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 15:00 - 02:00 | |
Number of draught beers: | |
Number of bottled beers: | |
Regular draught beers: |
Food: | |
After my impatient and slightly puzzling wait, Odeon offered no great shock. It's the long, thin shape that is so common in Dutch poubs that I no longer have an interesting way to describe it. I leave it at that: long and thin. Here, in contrast to Kooltuintje, the gloom appeared intentional. At least no-one was tinkering with the electrics. Instead, the barmaid was on the pinball machine. I had to move my change around a little more while she finished her game before I could get a beer. Is that cool or crap? I'm undecided. |
Rating: ** | Public transport: |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Introduction | ||
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Amstelveen is a bland, middle-class (sorry
Keith) suburb stitched onto the bottom of Amsterdam. It's main claim to
fame is as the largest town in Holland (pop. approx. 70,000) without a railway
station. Need I say more? The pre-war areas aren't too bad - I wish I could afford to live in one of the elegant 1930's houses around the Keizer Karelweg - but I won't pester you with a diatribe about the incoherent planning that has taken place since. Let's just say that there are fantastic examples of all the classic planning mistakes of the 1960's, 70's, 80's and 90's. |
Remnants of the original village survive, but you're unlikely to stumble across them, unless you take the museum tram, which has a stop there. (It's a shame that the tram only runs on Sundays as it's easily the most convenient form of transport for the majority of the pubs.) It's remarkably difficult to access Amstelveen by public transport. Apart from the corridor served by the sneltram, most areas are serviced by buses. Whoever determined the routes must be very proud of Amstelveen, because they've guaranteed you'll see every street in the town, no matter what your destination. But the fun doesn't end there - Amstelveen is also pratically totally devoid of pubs. I would struggle to name more than a dozen and - having commuted through it by bus for years - there's no corner of the town I haven't penetrated (see the paragraph above on public transport). |
Hotel-Café-Restaurant Abina | |
Amsterdamseweg 193, 1182 GW Amstelveen. Tel. 020 - 640 1101 Fax: 020 - 645 6677 e-mail info@abina.nl http://www.abina.nl |
Opening hours: Mon-Thu: 07:00-02:00 Fri: 07:00-03:00 Sat: 08:00-03:00 Sun: 08:00-02:00 |
Number of draught beers: 10 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-100 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks €2-7, meals €8-20, 3-course menu €15. | |
I've known Abina for even longer than I've been living in Amsterdam.
My first job in Holland was based in Amstelveen - a frustrating place for British
expatriates not yet weaned from the clock-out and go straight to the pub culture.
What would we have done without Abina and Silversant? Abina is a bit of everything - cheap hotel, restaurant, beer pub. Although the latter has been toned down a little as the years have passed, it is easily good enough for inclusion here. It's on one corner of a pretty low-key shopping street (is anything in Amstelveen not low-key?). The interior can be split into 3 distinct sections: covered terrace; seating around the bar; restaurant. Not much to report about the décor, except that there are some pretty damn obscure enamel beer signs. The beer list holds no great surprises, but is reasonably large. One of the draught taps is reserved for a guest beer. It's too longt since I last ate here for me to make any comment about food quality. Abina can be accessed using the museum tram, being only about 200 metres from the Karselaan stop. |
Rating: *** | Public transport: |
Eetcafé Silversant | |
Noorddammerlaan 119, 1187 AC Amstelveen. Tel. 020 - 641 4851 http://www.silversant.nl/ |
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Opening hours: Sun-Fri: 12:00-02:00 closed Saturday |
Number of draught beers: 6 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-15 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks €2-6, meals €6-17, beer €4 for 0.5l pils. | |
Silversant was the location preferred for office booze ups by my first
Dutch employer. Since then it has become a Sunday excursion destination for the family,
where a ride in the museum tram buys
us suffering parents a few moments of peace in the pub. Physically, it's a looks like some sort of ex-farm building, built of green-painted wood in what I would call a Dutch bungalow (I don't know if they use such a term in Holland) form. Oh, I almost forgot one of the most important points - it's just over the road from the towering spire of Bovenkerk church, a landmark that can be easily spotted from Schiphol airport. Inside you'll find plenty of dark wood, spread across the cramped original building and a more roomy extension. Not the biggest choice of beers, but good enough for an hour or two. The food: I'll be honest with you, the way prices have skyrocketed in Amsterdam restaurants, coming down here to eat - where the prices are still connected to the real world - could well be worth your while. Cheap, good quality and large portions. Nothing too fancy, but filling and well-cooked. If you're coming on the museum tram, go all the way to the last stop. You've then got a walk of about 500 metres. You have two choices: straight down Noorddammerlaan or along the southern edge of De Poel, a lake surrounded by a small park. I would heartily recommend the latter for its scenic qualities, though be warned that there's lots of water and bridges so be careful with very small children. |
Rating: *** | Public transport: |
Stadspub Du Monde | |
Stadsplein 14, 1181 ZM Amstelveen. Tel. 020 - 441 4430 Fax: 020 - 441 4427 e-mail info@cafedumonde.nl http://www.cafedumonde.nl/ |
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Opening hours: Mon-Sat 09.00 - 01.00 Sun 11.00 - 24.00 |
Number of draught beers: 6 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-10 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks, meals. | |
![]() But don't think that I'm knocking the new development. At least they did remember that some shoppers like an occasional beer. No fewer than three pubs were built next to each other along the north face of the square. Which one of these is Café du Monde? Well all of them. Sort of. Though there are still three distinct spaces each with their own identity. Coming from the bus station they are: Theatercafé Carmen, Red & Roses Irish Pub and finally Stadspub Du Monde. You can probably guess why I decided to include the last. ![]() Before you start thinking that I've transformed this page into an architectural review, I'll try to get back on track and regain my focus (I really should stop associating with managers). Du Monde's corner location and glazed frontage make it a pretty bright place. So just as well they plumped for a light brown café-bar style. This isn't Amsterdam, so instead of long and thin you get wide and shallow. To make full use of the space, they've got a balcony, too (as does Red & Roses). If you wish to live the fake Irish experience, a connecting door will lead you there. They sell a fairly standard packet of bottled beers, so nothing too exciting. But don't complain. I can remember when you couldn't get a beer around here at all. |
Rating: ** | Public transport: |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Amsterdam |
I have a detailed pub guide to Amsterdam (with maps) here. |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Enkhuizen |
Grand Café van Bleiswijk | |
Westerstraat 84-86, 1601 AL Enkhuizen. Tel: 0228 - 325 909 http://www.vanbleiswijk.nl/ |
Opening hours: Mon 11:00 - 24:00, Tue - Thur 10:00 - 24:00, Fri - Sat 10:00 - 01:00, Sun 12:00 - 24:00 |
Number of draught beers: 8 | |
Number of bottled beers: | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks €4-10, meals €10-22. | |
A smart café restaurant in what used to be the mayor's
residence. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Hotel - Cafe het Centrum | |
Westerstraat 153, 1601 AE Enkhuizen. Tel: 0228 - 312 827 Fax: 0228 - 316 473 http://www.hetcentrum.com/ |
Opening hours: Mon - Sun 15:00 - 02:00 | |
Number of draught beers: 4 | |
Number of bottled beers: 15 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks, meals. | |
Pub and hotel in a 19th century building. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Haarlem |
I have a detailed pub guide to Haarlem here. |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Hilversum |
Café Cartouche | |
Stationsstraat 22, 1211 EN Hilversum. Tel.: 035 - 621 6984 Email info@cafecartouche.nl http://www.cafecartouche.nl/ |
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Opening hours: Sun - Thur 14:30 - 01:00, Fri - Sat 14:30 - 03:00 |
Number of draught beers: 9 | |
Number of bottled beers: 15 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks €2-8, meals €8-12. | |
A typical Dutch brown café the town side of Hilversum
station. |
Rating: | Public transport: Hilversum NS station. |
Café Dudok | |
Larenseweg 1a, 1221 CH Hilversum. Tel : 035 - 642 0851 Email: cafedudok@nl.proximedia.com http://www.cafedudok.nl/ |
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Opening hours: Sun - Thur 10:00 - 01:00, Fri - Sat 11:00 - 02:00 |
Number of draught beers: 5 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-15 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: Snacks €2-7, meals (Wed-Sat Thai food). Pils €1.90, La Chouffe €3.40. | |
You can't get much handier than Dudok. You can see it from
the platform of Hilversum station. Very useful if, like me, you tend to
cut things a little fine when catching trains. ![]() There's a small outdoor seating area (unfortunately right next to a main road - shaded by a spreading grape vine. Again, very appropriate. The beer list isn't huge, but offers all the usual favourites - Westmalle, Duvel, etc. |
Rating: *** | Public transport: Hilversum NS station. |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Hoorn |
De Beiaard | |
Kerkplein 3, 1621 CX Hoorn. Tel.: 0229 - 270 675 Email: info@beiaardgroep.nl http://www.beiaardgroep.nl/hoorn/ |
Opening hours: | |
Number of draught beers: 16 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-30 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: | |
A brown beer café on Hoorn's central square. Part
of the Beiaaerd chain. A large percentage of the beers are sold on draught, with few surprises in the bottled list |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Oudendijk |
Les Deux Ponts | |
Slimdijk 2, 1631 DB Oudendijk. Tel. 0229 -541 275 / 541 951 Fax. 0229 - 543 462 Email: peter@lesdeuxponts. nl http://www.lesdeuxponts.nl/ |
Opening hours: Mon - Sun 10:30 - 01:00 | |
Number of draught beers: 5 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-50 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: | |
Waterside pub with a typical Dutch red tile roof. |
Rating: | Public transport: Connexxion bus 114 to stop Oudendijk, bus 128 to stop Het Hoog |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Purmerend |
De Bonte Koe | |
Koemarkt 24, 1441 DC Purmerend. Tel. 0299 - 421 124 http://www.biercafedebontekoe.nl/ |
Opening hours: Tue 08:00 - 14:00 & 19:30
- ???, Wed - Sat 16.00 - ???, Monday and Sunday closed. |
Number of draught beers: 9 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-50 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: | |
Brown beer café in the centre of Purmerend. The beer list is made up of mostly the Belgian classic, the Trappists plus around a dozen Dutch beers. ABT member. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Texel |
Taveerne De 12 Balcken | |
Weverstraat 20, 1791 AD Den Burg-Texel. Tel.: 0222 - 312 681 Email: info@12balcken.nl http://www.12balcken.nl/ |
Opening hours: Mon - Thur 10:00 - 01:30, Fri 10:00 - 03:00, Sat 10:00 - 04:00, Sun 17:00 - 01:30 |
Number of draught beers: 6 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-30 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: | |
A brown beer café in the main town on the island of
Texel. The beer menu is short, but interesting. There are beers from the renowned Canadian microbrewery Unibroue, plus local ales from Texels bierbrouwerij (as you might have guessed, located on the island itself), Scheldebrouwerij (another island brewery, but from the other end of Holland) and Amsterdam's newest brewery De Prael. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Uithoorn |
Speciaalzaak De Schans | |
De Schans 17, 1421 BA Uithoorn. Tel.: 0297-522106 Fax: 0297-522107 Email: info@schansbier.nl http://www.schansbier.nl/ |
Opening hours: Wed-Thur 11:00 - 18:00, Fri 11:00 - 21:00, Sat 09:00 - 17:00 |
Number of draught beers: | |
Number of bottled beers: 350 | |
Regular draught beers: | |
Food: n/a | |
It has all the usual Belgians, some good stuff from the better Dutch micros (including their own brews, of course), quality British beers and top-notch lagers from Franconia. As if that wasn't enough, they also stock a selection of single malt whiskies and quality Dutch and Belgian genevers. A great shop, run by enthusiastic, friendly people. It's enoughto tempt even an agrophobic like me outside Amsterdam. |
Rating: ***** | Public transport: bus 170 to Amstelplein |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Wormer |
Café & Eetcafé Batavia | |
Veerdijk 39, 1531 MS Wormer. Email: info@cafe-batavia.nl http://www.won.nl/cafe_batavia/ |
Opening hours: Wed 12:00 - 23:00, Thur 12:00 - 24:00, Fri 12:00 - 02:00, Sat 13:00 - 02:00, Sun 13:00 - 23:00 |
Number of draught beers: 8 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-40 | |
Regular draught beers:
Food: Snacks. Pils €1.70, Duvel €2.80. | |
Brown beer café. It's just over the Zaan from Womerveer
train station. In bottles, you'll find most of the Trappists and a selection of Ij brewery beers. ABT member. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Zaandijk |
Proeflokaal Konincksplein | |
Lagedijk 13, 1544 BA Zaandijk. Tel.: 075 - 621 5367 |
Opening hours: Tue - Thur 16:00 - 24:00, Fri - Sat 15:00 - 01:00, Sun 14:00 - 20:00, Closed Monday. |
Number of draught beers: 13 | |
Number of bottled beers: +-70 | |
Regular draught beers: |
Food: Snacks. | |
Single-storey beer café. ABT member. |
Rating: | Public transport: |
Dutch Pub Guide |
Zandvoort |
More Dutch Beer Pages
Dutch pub guides |
Dutch Brewery Pages
Amsterdam Pub Guide | |
Rotterdam Pub Guide | |
Haarlem Pub Guide | |
The Hague (Den Haag) Pub Guide | |
Utrecht Pub Guide | |
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© Ron Pattinson 1995 - 2010
All articles and photos on these pages (unless otherwise
stated) are property of Ron Pattinson. If you would like permission to reproduce
either on your own site or in a book, please contact me first.